Saturday, August 2, 2014

Fan Made Promotional Clip


She claims to be my blog's fan because... I wrote it! Haha. 

How much love can you expect from your youngest cousin! She's only like 9 and she always sends me compliments all the way from Hong Kong!

I know family fan is not like some fanatic fans that some famous bloggers have but I am honestly very touched every time I hear her rave my blog. Blogging is sometimes very dreadful because there are people discouraging you from time to time; saying your content is boring, has an ugly layout, too wordy.. etc. There aren't many people that looks at you seriously and says I LOVE YOUR BLOG!

My biggest fan turned out to be my cutest baby cousin! I love you to bits! I love your sister too so yeah... I love all you guys all the same!

Guess what! SHE EVEN MADE TIME TO MAKE ME THIS ADORABLE VIDEO! For my blog! Decided to share it because such love must be spread! Oh and DUUUUDE! She's 9.... I can't even make a proper video on my own. She even makes video games on her own! My Goshhh!

I hope you guys enjoy this video like how I did! :D

Short post since.. it's just a shout out aye? 

Stay tuned for more! Tata