Thursday, September 10, 2015

Premiere Screening of Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials

Two movie premieres in a row. I'm partly certain I'm not alive anymore on the inside. Hahahah

Anyway, attended Nuffnang Premiere Screening of The Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials last night all thanks to Babysumo's giveaway!! Super happy I got the giveaway tickets cause I didn't get any from Nuffnang or Churp Churp. Quite embarrassing to admit cause I actually spelled the hash tag wrong! Hahah. Who is born to know how to spell "Scorch"!? I've never heard of that word before the movie aired wtf! (Great now I officially sound like a dumb bimbo! Lol)

Back to the movie! I think the movie is not as impressive as the first movie. I can basically summarize it as run, run, run, run, run and run more. All the running is to build the storyline but I don't find any climax throughout the movie so the 2.5 hours got a little restless for me. A typical O-M-G-WHY-THE-MOVIE-HASN'T-END kinda show....

I feel bad but I'll just rate the movie a 6.5/10...

Maybe it's not my kind of movie but I honestly didn't feel any peak throughout the movie. AND WHAT IS UP WITH THE CHARACTER NAMED THERESA?! she looks like Kristen Stewart wannane being all expressionless and keep doing the "I wanna tell you but maybe not really but I should tell you but..  nah!"! FRUSTRATING LIKE MAD WATCHING HER. 

There's something I could share though!
[1] There's zombie in the movie!!
I really did not know that. I heard the Maze Runner's story board is some post apocalypse world but I expected zombies in the 3rd movie. Plus I didn't see the trailer so I totally shat my pants wtf! 

There are quite a few jump scare scenes. I jolted up from my seat quite a few times cause I no balls! Hahah.

This is actually the first movie that I've watched with zombies in it and my goodness now I know why I've been avoiding all the zombies movie. Really can't take it. Covered my eyes with a sweater whenever I heard rawwrrr rawwrrr ahhh roarrrrrrrrr! But the zombies didn't affect my judgement towards the movie though. It's adrenaline pumping during the fight scenes but they don't really add much value to the story but more running.

And what's with all the bad guys in zombies movie being a woman wearing all white suit? Exactly like that Resident Evil: Revealation 2 game which I am now thankful for cause if I've never seen that game I probably ran out from the cinema long ago.
[2] Ki Hong Lee is quite CUTE!!
Photo credit

I don't really know why but I find his character Min Ho way attractive than the main character (see I even forgot his name wtf). Cause the main guy is like shit shit shit shit! I hate how he's not very composed while Min Ho is like the chill dude with brains and the stamina. Or it COULD be Asian hormones haha. Automatically get interested in the Asian dude. Lol

But he's really very cool cool looking so yeap my eyes are always on him thoughout the movie! *heart in eyes*
I still can't spell "scorch"
Honestly what is with that word. Why is it so hard to spell?! Took out my movie tickets and put it on my table so I get to refer wtf! Nothing's changed after 2.5 hours of running in the scorch.

Okay I guess that's all I can comment about the movie. I personally think The Intern has a better storyline. I mean the whole movie feels like a "EVERYONE PANIC NOW" kinda show. Not to my liking. At least the first one has puzzles and what not. 

So yea. Watch it if you must but it's really just ok ok level. 

I guess that's all folks and I shall blog again this weekend!

Bye bye~♡