Sunday, April 10, 2016

Maxis Scandal: Stop Doing What You're Doing

Unless you've been living under the stone, I believe you'd know about the latest Maxis debacle. In the midst of all the hoohah, I actually don't really sympathize Maxis or the customers, I mean.. It's been quite well known right that Maxis has been an unfair service provider. Like why are you even surprised.

I've known for a fact that Maxis is overpriced but I am seriously so damn lazy to compare and port out. If you know me at all...
I'm too lazy to bother 
It's almost sad lol! Ok ok I promise I will eventually compare and decide if I wanna port out but right now, I don't think Maxis has mistreated me in any way. But it's just from my own point of view.

Irrelevant selfie but when lazy people make up lazy people have to post somewhere! Haha

But in the midst of all that, I realized something. Everyone is angry, everyone is annoyed, and everyone wants a piece of their mind heard. However, have you noticed that you've hurt other people's feelings when you are only thinking about your rights to EXPRESS your anger?
"Huh? What are you saying? I didn't hurt anyone. I was just fighting for my own rights!"
Yea sure, you deserve to be angry.. But have you realized that you've been yelling at the customer service consultants? Yea that person over the phone or over the counter.. I don't understand why are they treated so horribly because of the Maxis scandal? Here's why you should reflect what have you done:
1. They are only salary earners
Come on.. They don't have any interest with Maxis! They are just there cause life says sorry bitch, you don't work, you don't get to eat. If given a choice maybe they wanna be a professor or a nurse but well they're stuck doing customer service. The requirement to apply for this job is not really high, the pay is probably just ok, and they have to take it from you?!

Got the screenshot from as a reference 

See.. Their pay is likely just average and they don't have any management interest with Maxis. Not like they're the COO right? And that'll bring me to point 2!
2. They don't make managerial decision 
Probably got one or two days of guidance and a few days of training and there you go. Sit there and pick up the calls please. 'NEVER BOTHER THE MANAGERS' is likely their line to live by. Do you think they even come close to deciding the pricing? Or have any say? So yes shoot them for the decisions made by the person sitting in the Mercedes crying while looking at the Maxis share price.

Oh by the way, if you're very pissed at Maxis, head over to Bloomberg and check Maxis's share price's downfall. If it makes you any happier wtf.

Anyway, my main point is, it's like you're scolding the shop owner for charging GST but you clearly know that they didn't implement it. If you wouldn't do that, why do so to the poor customer service consultants?
3. They don't deserve it
No.. You can't say that IT'S THEIR JOB! Yes it's their job but put yourself in their shoes.. Do you like it when you did a good job after nights of OT and all your boss said was well... it's your job? Or when you flood the public toilet and you saw the kakak, would you just say it's your job to clean up your shit?


I don't see how customer service consultants are any different. Yes it's their job but it's definitely not your job to make it even more difficult.
4. They're human too 
No matter how much they've been trained to do this, or how frequently they face unreasonable customers, it's impossible one can be completely immune to such scolding. They probably feel upset but they've no choice but to swallow it down! Be a human yourself and understand that the person over the phone, has feelings too.

I am not trying to defend Maxis, in fact I was just told of another hidden charges that'll cost you RM 38 per day when you travel overseas AND THERE'S NO WAY to deactivate it wtf! But again, I'm just too lazy to bother, and being a loyal customer, porting out is hard on me too. 

But if you ask me, I don't feel mistreated though. It's just... business. 

So everyone, out from Maxis or not, remember that it costs you nothing to be kind.