Sunday, August 30, 2015

Resident Evil: Revelations 2. A Girlfriend's Perspective.

Just realized how I am one hell of a lazy blogger. Procrastinated blogging because I was sucked into watching TV! Was watching Moonlight Resonance for the nth time, being a couch potato.

But I really wanted to blog about my experience with the game Resident Evil: Revelations 2. Why? Because it consumed about 3 days’ worth of dates of mine. I.e. I was stuck watching my bf play that game for 3 days with his friends! Haha. I guess it would be interesting to blog about it in the perspective of a gf who was stuck watching the boys play this game.

First up, I nearly shat my pants about 20 times!

Just in case anyone has not noticed, I'm like the world's largest scaredy cat. The genre of my movie reviews are confined to comedy, animation and kinky love story (referring to 50 shades of grey). Horror? NONE! I got VIP tickets to Annabelle and I considered that the worst nightmare that could happen to me. The last time I watched Piranhas, I made my sister sleep with me cause I was afraid those human meat thirsty fishes swimming around my bedroom floor.

So, can you imagine how traumatized I was sitting through that jump scare game filled with zombies? On the first night I was so traumatized I nearly wanted to walk around with an umbrella JUST IN CASE SOME ZOMBIES DECIDED TO POP OUT!

The sound effects, the images and the storyline was like a mental torture for me. But eventually I got used to it and just imagine the zombies as 10001101001011! Haha.

Second, guys are unbelievably funny when they game!

I always imagined guys gaming as peace and quiet with occasional swearing. Turns out it was more like, “DUDE I’M GOING TO THE NEXT AREA.” And the other one will shout back, “WAIT LA I'M DONE NOT SCAVENGING YET!”


EH YOU KNOW HOW TO SHOOT OR NOT ONE?! GIVE ME. I SHOOT. So the other guy took over the controller and misses the shot anyway! Haha. It's like watching noob calling another noob!

Their team work was close to zero half the time. I'm amazed at how they somehow managed to finish the game! That totally helped soothe the whole zombie atmosphere for sure.

They also don’t give any sort of tutorials. Another friend came in halfway and asked what's the button to shoot and no one answered. Trial and no error it is then! Lol. Even when I played, I was so lost with the L3 and R3 buttons. Sorry ah I still play with my PS2! Haha. Anyway, no one gave a shit and I was walking around shooting blanks. So helpful ah!

Guys' friendship is really so stupid and simple it's just so amusing to watch from the side.

Thirdly, for someone watching from the side, the storyline is pretty onz!

I've never watched any of the Resident Evil movie. For obvious reasons wtf! All I know is there's a man and woman and lots and lots of zombies.

The 4 main characters: Natalia, Barry, Claire and Moira

So this game is set in a "6 months before" and "present time" scenarios where you'll play Claire and Moira in the "6 months before" scenario and Barry and Natalia in the "present time" scenario. So you have to string 1 and 2 together to get the entire picture of what's going on.

Like why are people abducted? Why is Claire and Moira in that disgusting looking underground prison? What's with the bracelet? Why is Natalia so special to the bad guy? WHY IS THE BAD GUY DOING WHAT SHE'S DOING?

I was so curious so I ended up reading all the leaks and reviews that I can find. Thanks Google. Haha. So much so that I found out there's 2 endings! I even found out how to get to the happy ending. So the other days were all pretty boring to me cause I already know what will happen. Ah well. It helped me calm my nerves.

Anyway, the storyline was predictable but interesting nonetheless. It was interesting enough to get me hooked and sacrificing all my dates wtf!

All the gfs out there, prepare to be ignored!

 Games> gf! I'm serious.

Never in my relationship was I told to look for my own food. Or starve. Haha. I resorted to food panda but they were so engrossed in the game, making them decide on the order took me an hour! Wanted to punch the guys dy. They were lucky that I was hungry! Lol

When my bf was so determined go find out what's the alternate ending, he refused to send me home until 12am! Told him I need to sleep dy and he just shoo me off and told me to sleep there first. BUT I WANNA KNOW WHAT'S THE HAPPY ENDING TOO! So I stayed up watching them and on Monday morning I can be a cast of Resident Evil's zombie crew. Save them my make up money! Haha. That bf got balls to tell me he's sleepy some more. Been bugging to go home since 10pm but to no avail.

Think because the storyline makes people curious of what's gonna happen next so... got ignored lol

Anyway, a proper review on the game. The graphics are good and lifelike. When the character walked in the water, they came out looking sparkly; as if their costume got wet. The storyline makes sense and interesting. But it sucks how only player 1 gets the shooter role, while player 2’s job is to look for weakpoints and occasional close combat only. Quite pathetic haha.

Spoiler alert, the game does not end there. Definitely a sequel. Hint: it's because of Natalia! But overall, it's a good game and I guess if you have cash to spare and lots of time to kill, then go for it!

If you're the sidelined gf like me, get a laptop and LOAD IT WITH MOVIES AND ANIME! haha. Or watch them play. It's hilarious!

Okay gonna sign off now! Working tomorrow!
