Friday, September 4, 2015

When I Make Him Watch Crayon Shin-Chan

Last weekend I've decided to watch a movie! You know sometimes you just suddenly feel like you HAVE to watch a movie regardless of what movie? Got that movie bug bite and dragged my partner-in-crime to watch a movie with me!

It was a clear choice between The Man from U.N.C.L.E or Hitman. 

The movie time was so sucky! All of the showtime is at the awkward dinner time or very late into the night. I am totally not into late night movies ever since I developed an aunty syndrome to konk off at 10pm every night. What a party animal right? Lol

So ah well, scratch both the movies out of the list. Honestly, whenever I feel like watching movies, it'll be a down time for good movies. What's left are horror or some emo Cantonese or Tamil movies. Two Japanese movies did caught my attention... One of it is Attack on Titan which I doubt I should watch cause I saw a skinned monster attacking human on the billboard. Erm... I doubt I need to know exactly how I'll look like without skin so I shall pass.

Yea a huge no no sign

The other one is the latest Shin Chan movie, Crayon Shin-Chan: My Moving Story! Cactus Large Attack!

Source: wikipedia

I was contemplating whether I should spend money watching this movies cause I always get to watch it (somehow) a few months after the movie's released. And for this movie, I hardly saw any advertising by the Facebook fan pages so I thought maybe this movie isn't any good. But I've been watching Shin Chan since I was 5 so the little otaku within me is bouncing off the walls when I found out the movie is showing in the cinema. Then le bf of mine went and search for the reviews and found out that the movie is extremely profitable! IT MUST MEAN SOMETHING!! THE MOVIE MUST BE GOOD! On la!

The timing was perfect anyway hehe.

But before I tell you more about the movie, I should tell you what's more interesting than the movie itself. I really thought I dragged my bf to watch some chick flick cause wow he is so bored and confused in the movie theaters. LMAO! He loves Japanese anime but Shin Chan is probably too childish for his liking. He only watched a few episodes with me cause I probably pointed a gun at his dick or something so yea.. 
I bet he know knows how I feel when I was forced to watch him play Resident Evil.

Here's a breakdown to what happened exactly during the movie PLUS REVIEWS FOR THE MOVIE OF COURSE!!
[1] There is almost no children in the hall
I guess it takes an adult fan to enjoy a Japanese Shin Chan movie *push glasses*

It was quite a shocker to me but then right.... it's in Japanese so maybe most children can't read the subtitles as quickly yet. And some parents find Shin Chan very disgraceful and sets a bad example to children so they probably don't allow Shin Chan in the household? *shrungs* 
[2] He was sandwich between 2 hardcore Shin-Chan fans
I think that girl came alone since she bought the outermost seat and well.. is not talking to anyone else. I was thinking she probably can't find anyone to watch the "cartoon" with her. Anyway, turns out she is almost as hard core as I am. We shared the same sentiments throughout the movie! 

Because the movie was about Shin Chan leaving Japan to Mexico with his family, all their friends came and bid farewell and everyone was so reluctant to say goodbye especially Kazama OMG!! It was such a tear jerking scene that I took out my tissue to start wiping my tears. Cried way more than Inside Out.. lol. 

Then there was the fighting scenes between the Nohara family and the mutated cactus (sort of) and we were both shaking the seats and throwing air fists! We were so into the movie cause it's GOOD! I was so sucked into it and got a little too excited. That girl did too. But as a non Shin Chan fan, I think my bf was stunt to see 2 girls acting that way at an animation. I guess he's quite amused... lol  
[3] He fell asleep
Sigh~ Mother of all dis-respectfulness...  

Think he fell asleep when the movie was building up to its climax. To be fair, I find it a bit boring too but cause Shin Chan was like kid show to him so he just fell asleep! He kept saying he only dozed off by 5 minutes but judging by the way he was rubbing his head against my shoulder, I think it was way more than that! Lol
[4] He enjoyed the movie
OF COURSE HE DID! The production was pretty good. Technically I liked all the Shin Chan movies I've watched.  They are like the Pixar of Japan or something. Always super touching and meaningful. Love it so much. My bf was impressed after all. Other than the part he fell asleep, he commented that the movie is decent! RM 30 WELL SPENT YO! 

Overall, I'll score the movie a 8/10 and depending on the interest of the particular individual who asked me, I may or may not recommend it. Because I watch it as a fan. So I have more memories and attachment towards the characters so it will appeal to me more than someone who is not.I mean, I couldn't imagine someone who has never watched the anime series to walk in and watch the movie. They'll probably wonder why is Shiro so soft or why is Shin Chan waking with his butt. 

If you do like Shin Chan then by all means, you should watch it. I think it might be even more touching than the Robot Dad movie. Watching it in the big screen is so much different than just watching at home. If someone *ahem* don't mind, I totally won't mind catching more Shin Chan movies in the cinema!

Here's a tip though.. because the movie is not expecting a lot pf patron, the showing period is only very very short, with a very small hall. It's really something you have to catch or else.. wait for the official release then lol!

Funny, touching and adventure filled! The movie is worth a 2 thumbs up yo!

Okay that's all I have for today.. time to make my bf do stuff that he'll usually not do cause I asked him to..


P/S: I really liked the movie so I'm gonna leave a trailer here to tempt people! hehe

With an obscene cut scene wtf