Saturday, August 9, 2014

The New Begging Culture in Malaysia

Hello again! 

This is gonna be my verbal vomit post about a new trend in Malaysia.

Begging is not a new trend in Malaysia. Yea I know. Some beggars in Malaysia actually earn more than white collars working for years and eating chap fan everyday! 

I don't know much about begging but I do know that they are super creative! Some bring a child, some use fake legs and some just lie there at the same spot everyday playing their harmonica. I personally have a very mixed feeling about beggars. Sometimes I look at them and really really wanna help them but I am afraid that a swarm of his of her 'neighbors' come and attack me. I mean... It must be weird why I only donate to one of the beggars among 5 sitting at the same bridge right? On top of that, society made me skeptical. I can't help but wonder...
Is this guy for real?
Like.. Why is this person begging? Are they being controlled by some organizations that I don't know? Or maybe cause he really can't find a job? Or he refuses to find a job? Or could it be something else I haven't thought of?

It's like I sympathize but there is only so much I can do. I guess times like this you wonder where are all those self proclaimed noble people who "Like" some beggar's picture on Facebook. NATO (No Action Talk Only) much? Not like I am any noble but at least I don't like pictures like that. Okay la.. I did like one.. and it's because.. 


Anyway, before I got distracted, I realize there is a new pattern of begging going around in KL. I bet you've seen them before! I see this bunch of people at least twice a week!

Beggars on the road

I am not sure do they think they are business people or beggars but selling a pack of face tissue at RM 5 is a complete rip off! The fact that some people just give them money and walk away is no different from  begging!

Yeap. They are all senior citizens around the age of 60 and they will walk on busy streets, usually around intersections so that they can start "selling/begging" when the traffic light turns red. And they go for super busy streets in Kota Damansara or before some highway turning. Needless to say, IT IS REALLY REALLY DANGEROUS! The danger level doubles simply because Malaysian motorcyclists love to turn in and out between cars and OH MYYYY what if they accidentally hit the beggars? They are old and super fragile!

That aside, in the picture above, it's so super hazy I doubt any sane person who love their lungs would want to be out there. That old lady was standing there for hours and begging! Oh and I also saw one before this highway turning but he avoided our car because we are Chinese family and I guess we are less generous in such situations. I mean...... skeptical..

GUESS WHAT! There are people who actually gave them money! Not RM 1 or RM 2 but like sometimes RM 10! Imagine if 5 cars stop and that will total up to RM 50 per hour! Who would work in McD now where they only pay you RM 5/hour? Actually scratch that, they will probably earn more than an executive in a listed company! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!

I understand you're trying to help them but can't you see you're actually creating a new market for people to exploit old people and use them as beggars?
Because this same lady was begging at Sunway Giza.. How did she fly from Giza to Sg Buloh toll by herself? I sincerely doubt she walked all the way. In fact, my fat daddy actually saw them getting dropped off by a fancy ESTIMA! That's a 200k car so like excuse me... There's actually an organization dropping off beggars and taking them their money after? Given that it is pretty profitable, I can clearly see why some shameless people would wanna exploit the poor old folks!

Giving them money is encouraging them to risk their lives to stand at some heavy traffic spot to beg! I already notice more and more of such beggars walking around KL. Seriously, this trend needs to stop. It's just not right for old people to get exploited like this. 

Sometimes, I do wonder what are they going through and why do they get punished like that. Perhaps that's life but it's still so difficult to accept the inequality of our society. I really hope that somehow someone will do something about this. Not punishing them with fines, but helping them. Give them a place to stay or a proper job to work.

Okay verbal vomit over.

Here's a picture of a durian just because it's durian season again! LOL

Bye bye now!
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