Thursday, May 1, 2014

Premiere Screening of The Amazing Spider Man 2: Rise of Electro

Hello everyone!

With all the buzz circulating the latest Spider Man movie, I am so glad that I got a chance to catch the Nuffnang Premiere Screening of The Amazing Spider Man 2: Rise of Electro last night. And it was two days before the movie is up in the cinema too! As per usual, after movie screening my dark circles are exceptionally bad. I am sure it's gonna reach my cheek soon (AHHHHHHHHH!). But I gotta say all this tiredness is so worth it because I feel like rating the movie 10/10! Can I? But since it's not a 100% perfect movie I shall rate it ★★★★★★★★9/10!

Honestly, I did not watch the first Amazing Spider Man (2012) movie because other than Avengers and Iron Man, I'm not really into Marvel movies. But I did watch all three of the 2002 Spider Man movies starring Tobey Maguire and since then I stereotyped Peter Parker being a very emotional, sad and depressed person that got bitten by a spider. The movies are good but that good, so automatically I thought the Amazing Spider Man to be another mediocre movie. My perception of the Spider Man character took a 180 degree turn when I watched the animated cartoon series on Disney XD, where that Spider Man is much MUCH more cheerful and alive. This is exactly how Spider Man is played by Andrew Garfield! Happy-go-lucky, playful, funny and childish at times. This movie is overall way more cheerful than the Tobey Maguire one. I mean.. even Aunt May looks younger and happier with this movie!

Oh you silly spider! Why are you a fire fighter now?

The cast are also so easy on the eyes. Undeniably Andrew Garfield is better looking than Tobey Maguire. On top of that, Emma Stone, who plays Gwen Stacy, somehow manages to effortlessly look sexy and beautiful. I actually prefer Gwen than Mary Jane Watson because she totally brings the fun out of Spider Man. She is also very supportive and intelligent. I absolutely adore her!

Cutest couple alert!

The effects of the movie is also crazy good. Even though I only watched it in 2D, I can tell that this movie will definitely be more immersive in 3D! But I reckon people with motion sickness will feel a little nauseated from Spider Man's swinging and free falling. I am also super amazed at the effects on Jamie Foxx who plays the villain Electro! 

Look at that! His skin is transparent and his veins are replaced with blue electricity current flows!

In my opinion, Jamie Foxx did a very good job playing a 'forgotten' person and he seems to be so lonely and desperate for attention. He also gave me a little Stockholm Syndrome when I see how he is misunderstood and hated. It's totally not his fault, nor did he want to become Electro!

The special effects of the action scenes are also super epic! Unlike 300: Rise of an Empire, whose main attraction is slow motion blood splatter, Spider Man 2 only employs slow motion effects at the most kan cheong (read: critical) scenes! 

Imagine this scene in slow motion and zeroing in to see the fine details!

The only down side of the movie is that the storyline is packed with too many villains and side stories. But, believe me when I say that the delicate flow of the story was not disrupted. I really appreciate the ending when the insignificant side stories get wrapped up nicely in one fell swoop. Job well done guys!

As for the tween love story between Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy, personally I find them a bit too lengthy. MORE EPIC FIGHTING SCENES PLEASE! Also, Harry Osborn feels like he is there because he has to be there. He does not play a big role, only appearing every now and then. The only reason I can think of is that he will be the main villain in Spider Man 3. Don't blame me though if my prediction is wrong!

Harry Osborn with Tobey Maguire Spider Man hair. Confused? Yes I am!

Keep your ears open for the soundtracks! They are ALL really good! There are people like Pharrel Williams, Steve Aoki and Alicia Keys producing it! Oh and here's a little hint about my favourite scene. Its related to the 'Incy Wincy Spider' nursery rhyme.

Now.. the million dollar question. Did Gwen Stacy die, like in the comics or did the story diverge from the comics? SORRY BUT THIS IS THE PART THAT YOU HAVE TO GO WATCH FOR YOURSELF BECAUSE THE SUSPENSE IS ONE OF THE REASON WHY THE MOVIE IS GOOD!

She is so pretty! Her cat eyes are so mesmerizing 

Guess that's all I have for the movie now. I am actually a little sulky because I did not win any Spider Man 2 themed merchandise..


Also watched the movie with Cartene and Alex! Those two are such a joy to be with! And I made a meat eater eat FOUR helpings of salad! Told you Tonkatsu by Ma Maison is a good place for dinner!

Ahhaha cropping doesn't do the picture justice so here's an awkward screenshot. Credits to Cartene

Anyways, Labour Day is coming and so is the Amazing Spider Man 2: Rise of Electro, so make sure you catch it in the cinemas! You won't regret it!


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