Sunday, December 7, 2014

Happy Birthday My Blog!

Hi hi! 

This is a very special post to me because on the 17th November 2013, I posted the very first blog post on my blog! I don't remember when exactly did I registered my blog so I'll consider 17th November my blog's birthday!

I was at work on the 17th of November this year and I just felt like blogging! But I clearly can't since I'm at work so I did the next best (but primitive) thing I can do!

I handwrote a letter to my blog!

Taadaaaaa my beautiful handwriting!

I doubt anyone can read that so I'm gonna type it out here. Wish me luck in deciphering my own handwriting.

Dear blog,

Happy 1st birthday!! <3

I am at work now and without a proper keyboard to type out my thoughts, I've decided to stick to the old but trusty pen and paper! My handwriting is really ugly so hopefully I can still comprehend this later.

Now, it's been a year since I started blogging. I only did it because I was encouraged by Elie and Mr. Editor. Writing blog posts isn't as easy for me at all. My English isn't that good and my life is pretty dull and boring. Above all, I am the laziest person alive! Really.. If there's like some sort of tournament or competition, I would have won it. Throughout this one year, I've thought of giving up blogging countless of times.
I mean, no one reads my blog anyway.
Those were my exact thoughts. Mr. Editor actually made me promise to keep up blogging for at least 2 years. And I'm proud to say after a whole year of blogging, I don't need anyone to tell me not to give up anymore. My negative thoughts have been swept away by the joy I find in writing. 

Pillow Talk Till Dawn has become an important outlet to me. Not to gain fame and fortune but as a very personal memoir. Just within this one short year, I looked back to my old posts like my trip to HK or all my ranting posts and think to myself,,
"Wow, I wrote that?"
"Wow did that really happen to me?"
I gotta admit, I often get a snicker on my face just by reading all the stuff I wrote.

And every now and then. we get busy. We prefer writing short 140 characters updates compared to long winded posts. But 140 characters is much too short to fully express every detail of my story. That satisfaction of expressing an experience in words is one of the most fulfilling feelings I gained through blogging!

Of course I also get to experience a lot of crazy new stuff. For the past one year, I only bought like 1-2 pairs of movie tickets. The Kiam Siap Chinese in me approves.

Movie premiere tickets I collected over the year

I am such a hoarder! Kept all the tickets except the one for Anabelle because my sister threw it away immediately after the screening..

Not only movies! I also won stuff I never imagined winning! My iPad Air, Churpie plushie and even a small can of Milo. They're all very precious to me and made me feel glad that I picked up blogging! Especially the can of Milo. I love Milo. I must have my daily dose of Milo daily. And Milo is even better when its free.

I also got to go to many events like Nuffnang Birthday Bash, Nuffnang Open House and even a Halloween Party that almost gave me a heart attack!

Even though it is not as glamorous as getting an all expenses paid trip to Philippines *glares at Elie*, I enjoyed myself a lot and these are memories that I'll hold very dearly to. Not to forget all the people I met because of events! Actually I'm very bad at keeping contact so yea.. I should really make an effort to try harder if I ever want to expand my social circle!

Oh I also get to meet celebrities from the blogger world like BoboStephanie, fourfeetnine and even the celebrity baby Fighter Tiah himself! You have no idea how ecstatic I was when I saw that baby! 

The beautiful Ms Fourfeetnine <3

Mr Nuffnang Boss

Look Look! It's Fighter!
I don't care if he's totally oblivious of me. I'm happy.. hehe

I would really like to say thank you to Nuffnang and Churp Churp for opening doors to a nobody like me. Giving a chance to try things I never dreamt of trying! Really appreciate them not only for the events or tickets but for one precious..
I think she knows this is coming. Elie, thank you for teaching me blogging 101! Also, thanks to all the 'kind' advice you gave me that came with some insults! lol. Just to make you happy, one day, I wanna be just like you! Yeap you're a pretty good benchmark for me in terms of blogging! Just blogging terms only yeah, just before you balloon up.

Thank you to my parents who still didn't know what is blogging or what I actually write about but they just accepted that I write for fun. They encouraged me when they know I picked up this hobby instead of telling me that I wouldn't get far with writing. 

Oopsie, wrote for about 1.5 pages of recycle paper now.

But really, blogging has changed my life so much. I found a hobby, improved my English and enjoy reading more now. All in the span of 1 year. This may be insignificant to many but it was one hell of a good ride to me! Here's to many many more years to come.


Okay so wow on paper it seems super long but when I actually type it out it's so short only! Meh!

Anyway, yeah blogging has been a good adventure for me and it was one of the best decision I have made. I really hope I will keep it up because I know, one day when I look back, it'll all be worth it.

Thank YOU, everyone who read my blog for this one year! No matter did I interest you or bore you out, it means a lot to me!

Alright, it's Sunday! Family time.

Buh bye now.

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