Saturday, November 8, 2014

Tai Tai (not really) Grocery Shopping

Hello everybody! 

Had a little crazy adventure yesterday. Okay la to many people, it's really a no big deal but to me right... MUST ANNOUNCE TO THE WORLD OF MY ACHIEVEMENT!

Yesterday, I literally ran off at 4:45pm because it's Friday and I super don't wanna stay in office until late la! Wanna go enjoy life a little since it's PAYYYY DAYYY~

I was waiting in One Mont Kiara. Imagine a sophisticated looking OL having a little cuppa in a hipster cafe, having a slice of brownie cake. Sounds pretty decent right? Up until then, I feel like this is how I should spend my Friday!

Then I got a call that I'm supposed to go down to village grocer to buy sun melon. Do not ask me what is a sun melon! It's yellow version of a honeydew. My awesome brownie cake was half eaten. So I had to tapau the remaining half. It's RM 10 for a slice so I'm so not gonna leave RM 5.50 on the table and walk away (kiamsiap punya cina)! I ended up leaving the cafe with a box of cake and another plastic bag with more cakes inside... Tapau-ed from Humble Beginning KLCC. 

Was so unwilling to go grocery shopping.. Really. And of all things, I have to buy a melon; a giant round and heavy fruit.

I went in and I was very smart! Since I have no idea how a sun melon looks like, I decided to walk around and find the melon first. AND I FOUND IT AFTER READING EVERY LABEL FOR EVERY MELON THERE! I think those ang mohs shopping there thinks I'm a bit stupid la. They're like ..
Oh look at the size of the pumpkin
And I'm like.. Wtf is a sun melon? I only know watermelon! And why got so many origins one? Taiwan, Thailand and some other melon producing countries. 

My first instinct is that the melons are HUGEEEE! I thought it'll be at least half the size of a watermelon  but it turns out to be 75% of the size of a watermelon! I'm like f this shit la! I went ahead and grabbed a trolley even though all I need is a basket. But with all the cakes and the melon? No way am I going to hold them all in a basket! 

So I threw everything in the trolley and started my voyage of choosing a melon! I was told that if you smell the melon you'll know is it sweet or not. There's like 6 melons and a lot of half cut melons on top of it. So how? Move all the halved melon on top of the watermelon rack next to the sun melon. About to smell the melon and GOSH VILLAGE GROCERS PEOPLE CAN STACK MELONS SO WELL! The melons are arranged so nicely that I can't take any of them out so what more smell. Kindly imagine how hard it is for me to choose the melon. Literally took out one by one and smelled. Ended up simply pick one that smells kinda sweet. 

Next step.. Move to trolley. Again another fml moment cause the melon slammed by finger against the trolley.

Then, wanna put in those plastic bag.. Retarded fingers cannot open the plastic bag.. Walked to the weighing machine place and the lady was laughing at me... Cause I struggled to open the plastic. She only took like 5 seconds. I think she's also laughing at my lack of common sense cause CLEARLY the melon cannot fit inside the plastic.. So she just stuck the tag on the melon. 

Then I walked pass the fishball section and bought some fried fish balls. I was in such a f it mood I didn't even bother looking at the expiry dates. Haha. Just realized it is a very fail thing..

Then went and buy paste to make curry fish balls. Was wondering should I get laksa paste or curry chicken paste. My f it mood is so unbelievably strong.. I simply picked the curry chicken one without looking at expiry dates. So Elie, whatever happen to your stomach, is probably my fault.

Here's my messy trolley....

Literally threw everything in like PIAKKK

I was pretty proud of myself until... I found out that the melon I bought is too big and only half ripe, the paste should be laksa paste and there's actually another half packet of fish balls at home.. LIKE WHAT?! 0/3 things purchased right...

Guess I am still very off from being a housewife. Lol. 

No more grocery shopping please!

Okay done with blogging about my new adventure. So bye bye now.

Thanks for reading my pathetic shopping experience... Heheh

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