Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Premiere Screening of Taken 3


Instead of starting my 2015 with some mushy new year resolution post, I am gonna start the year with a movie review! It's taken again and again! Lol. Liam Neeson returns in yet another Taken movie and everyone seems to have a great expectation of the movie since the 1st two are pretty good.

Kick start your 2015 with an action packed movie aye

But in the spirit of new year, I am gonna add a little twist to my usual (boring) review by getting a... *drum rolls*

Yeap I figure that instead of getting the same ol' review from mua, I got my friend here to write a review on behalf! He is not a blogger so OMG I just took his blogging virginity! LOL. Without further ado, allow me to introduce Alex le Rex!!

The Dubai Prince wannabe is single by the way! PM me for his number XP
6/1/15, Tuesday, 
This is a basic review of the movie Taken 3 aka LaimNeeson kicking ass 3. My name is Alex and fortunately for me, my friend Steph Cheang *it's CHENG by the way* was gracious enough to give me tickets for the premier of said show. Knowing that many bloggers and celebrities would be attending, I needed another  plus one and that duty fell upon another friend of mine, Eugene Tan. 
The movie was held in Quill City Mall in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, we departed PJ around 7 in the evening to catch the movie which was at 9.15 P.M. After much traffic and suffering (we really needed to pee), we finally arrived at our destination at 8.35 P.M. We then proceeded to collect the free tickets form ChurpChurp (Thanks Guys). 

The mall was recently constructed and the cinema was one of the coldest I have ever been in, considering the fact that I’m not a guys that usually complains about being cold (fairly well insulated)*Steph says look at the picture to know why!*. The seats were ok but not very spacious; the arm rests were made from syntactic leather which gave it the same texture as a handbag which was nice. 
Ok, time for the actual review, as expected without giving away any spoilers, the movie was action pack and filled with the usual chase scenes, gun battles, hand to hand combat and boobs~~ nah just kidding no boobs, although underwear scenes were included (beware not what you might think). 
My favorite part of the show was that an actual competent cop (played by Forest Whitaker) was actually in an action movie, normally the popos in these types of movie are either there to show how much of a bad ass our protagonist is or just to fill in the gun fight scenes, but in this case it’s almost refreshing to see someone who is almost on par as the main hero himself. 
What I don’t like about this movie was the chase scenes. Both the car chases and foot chase scenes were disorienting and felt messy. You could barely keep track of who was being punch, which direction they were heading in and what was going on in general (think of the fight scenes of transformers and the camera work of clover field).The plot was meh but the comedy part of the show was quite good, that at least helped dragged the show along. 
All in all, the movie would be rated 5 out of 10 as  the only thing that kept me interested in the movie was the voice of Niam Leeson (soo manly). I personally would not have watched the show if it were not the last chapter to the Taken trilogy (I hope so…) and the fact that the tickets were free (Thanks again ChurpChurp). Thanks for reading this mini review and have a nice day.
Okay so that's his review. For a very typo error prone guy, I gotta say job well done Alex!!! Although, I did spot a few formatting and grammar error but so sorry cause Mr. Editor won't be editing this time round. Eheh. And also, we've been classmates for 3 years so I had faith that you know my surname at least. Tsk Tsk~ Anyway, job well done for a non-blogger! Maybe you can start one..


Bye bye~ 

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