Wednesday, December 31, 2014

A Look Back at 2014

2015 is drawing to a close and I think it's a fine time to reflect on 2014.

I was just randomly reflecting on my own while the radio is updating the news about QZ 8501. It was so depressing with the rain, in the middle of the night with a news-reporting-tone man and all. 

Honestly, at that moment, I really thought the entire 2014 is generally quite sucky. Three whole plane accidents, floods in half the country and indefinite bad news. So I had a *ding* light bulb lights up moment. Instead of looking at the bad, why not look at the bright side and think of the top 5 happiest moments in 2014 for me! 

Okay! Let's go let's go!


#5 I won an iPad Air! I am imagining those people who reads this post thinking 

Well yeah... Cause it's a big deal for me! Hehehe.  I mean aside from feeling really lucky, it's that particular moment that I affirmed my interest in writing. Like I used to blog because the blogger life seemed fun but now blogging has become much more than than a hobby, it's a new and exciting facet of my life. If I have a more flexible work arrangements, then I would like to dedicate more time into blogging. 

Anyway, I am those kind of people who has a problem answering what is my hobby. I mean I like to do a lot of stuff but none of them could be considered my hobby. I really think as you age hobby become a very important thing since it'll be your soul's food. Only through a hobby you will discover more about yourself and so far I am really glad to discover writing as my hobby and I intend to keep it... Or rather I hope I will keep this up.


Okay #4 here is not only a 2014 moment but I guess it's quite a life event because in October 2014, I joined the workforce. It's actually not a very glamorous job la. Just like any fresh graduate, you start low. But at least I started of somewhere right? 

It was really like what everyone else said! Books and theories are just a fragment of my memories now because in actual life, no one will put 1 million in your hand. So yes, thank you stupid textbook for using 600 watermelons and 500 bananas to create such unrealistic expectations. Heh. 

Some OOTD from work yo

But there's some good perks of working. Firstly, my life is ON THE GOOOO~ Like finally I can plan to buy bigger things! Car, house and more. I can even go for a good meal without feeling much guilt. Not crazy go open MOET everyday la but at least I have enough to satisfy whatever I crave! And I definitely feel more flexible cause its's my own hard earned money. Not my parent's hard earned money.

Eating Korean BBQ for lunch because I can!

Haha. I think my colleague thinks I eat excessively but I really don't.
It's just ONE bowl of rice and MEAT. :P

I am also quite lucky cause my boss is very supportive. My colleagues are also super nice and we can just talk crap all day! Imagine if one of them is like a major A-hole and I have to see them more than I see my family! It'll be hell for sure. Definitely thankful for that too.  

Hopefully in 2015, my career will be more smooth sailing and I pray hard that I get to do/discover what I love soon enough! 


#3 Graduation!!!!!!!!!

Super recent event since it happened in November. Basically what I felt is penned down in that post. I think this is also a milestone in life. Like the photos will be made into a power point slide in my wedding video kinda important moment wtf.. For real one! My mom keep imagining how one day all my pictures will be collated and made into some fancy video like those you see in a typical wedding dinner. And I'm like. Not so soon, mum, not so soon. Just started working la.

My family and friends are so happy to see me kick Monash in the ass and graduate with a relatively higher than average grade! I am damn proud of myself too. It was a great full stop to my study life. But I do not plan to just stop there and then! I am still waiting for some good news so I can continue furthering my studies. Of course, I need a lot of luck to be able to do that! Wish me luck!!


#2 on my list is my graduation trip! It was so so so so sooooo relaxing! Literally doing what I love most and I don't have to do things I don't like just to satisfy others. For example, I didn't have to go Scuba diving at 2pm. 

Then I ate a lot a lof of good food and went to many different places. I went to Singapore, Johor (Legoland), Melaka and Port Dickson! It was tiring to hop from town to town but the level of exploration is astonishing! Seafood with sea view, shopping in Bugis street and getting lost to an oil processing factory etc. Oh I also got to watch my very first midnight movie during the trip. Such a small and lame thing but it was very significant to me.

I also discovered that I head butt other people in my sleep. I is soooo special no?

A lot of very significant personal events happened during the trip which I will be keeping close to my heart instead of blogging it out. But how I wish I can go on another trip like that in 2015! Come on travelling luck! Come to mama!


*drum rolls*


#1 Taaadaa my adorable family time! yeap nothing beats family time but this year it is more special because I formally introduced my bf to my family and of course I am glad they took it well even though he's not like man man but still.. they accepted my choice? So yay to that.

And it's quite nice that I can now balance my dating time and family time more easily. Like if all else fails, merge them together! Haha.

They are also the most supportive people in my life. They loved me no matter what shitty choices I make. No matter what's my career choices, they are there to support me all the way, I cannot stress enough how blessed I am to have my own personal cheerleader team. I am glad that 2014 went by and everyone is healthy and happy. 

Special thank to my support. Thank you for being there for the year. 
Hope there's more to come.

Wootz! Done with my countdown! A blog post I smiled non stop reminising the good old days. Sudah tua (already old) la. Of course, I have other happy moments too. Like getting hooked to Mitch Albom, joining Maybank Go Ahead Challenge (MGAC) 2014 which by the way looks super good on your resume, making new IC and so much more. It turns out that I remember most about the small things, and it is the smallest of things that make me the most happy.

Here's to a great 2015! Happy New Year EVERYONE!

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