Monday, December 14, 2015

So... I Fractured My Wrist

Hello world~

So as the title suggested, I fractured my right wrist, to be exact a mere hairline fracture. Typing this blog post with my left wrist is the hardest stunt I've accomplished today. Have to pause at every sentence and re-read every word to make sure I spelt the words correctly.

Spot the fracture

I have no idea exactly how I fractured my right wrist. There's a few possible reasons... It could be martial arts, it could be driving, it could be me lifting some heavy unknown stuff and it could be my wrist decided to snap on its own. YOU'LL NEVER KNOW RIGHT?!

Initially, I thought I merely twisted my wrist or something. Went to visit the doctor and he gave me some cooling pads and a wrist band. 

Cooling pad

Wrist band

Supposingly, it'll feel better over the few days but nah!!! I feel like my wrist is challenging my pain threshold level. At one point I was so in pain I was so FRUSTRATED! Angry at myself. Angry at wrist and more importantly..
I was angry at chopsticks
They are great in general but when I couldn't get any food into my mouth, I was so pissed. I ate Japanese with spoon and fork which I've never done before! I love chopsticks.

After 3 days from my first visit to the doctor, I went for a late night visit in a nearby clinic. She claimed that it's an inflammation of my tendon but on the safe side she recommended me to get an X-ray done at a nearby private hospital. 

Trust me, I rolled my eyes at the thought of X-ray. Like so exaggerated for a small tear or inflammation. Half heartedly went to the hospital and saw THREE doctors. It was a A refer to B and B refer to C kinda thing. Since it was late, I had to wait for the X-ray operating Doctor C to come back to the hospital. I felt bad cause I thought it was not a big deal but I made the doctor come back at such ungodly hour.

Did my X-ray. Another round of wait. Then I saw Doctor B rushed into Doctor A's room holding my results. Both of them came out and got me into the treatment room. I was so cool then expecting the doctor to tell me..
Oh Ms. Cheng. No big deal. Thank you for making mountains out of molehills. You can go home now
In fact, I was so chill I told my bf to stay outside cause it's totally not a big deal. I went in with a super so... whatssup kinda attitude. The doctors saw me and said..
Oh seems like you have a fracture on your wrist
I let out the LOUDEST HUH in my life. I was expecting an inflammation? Not a cement cast? Lol. I was thrown off course with the news and my mind went blank. To think I nearly walked off the hospital but turns out.. I got a fracture. Was thinking that I have something important to do at work and turns out I'm gonna get a few days off! 

Okay nah highlight the fracture for you

I rejected the cast and resorted to my wrist band first. Unless my hairline fracture's gap widens, I'm not gonna get a cast. But other than not supposed to type on keyboard, I don't know what else am I NOT supposed to do. Like can I drive? How long until my gap closes? I was so shocked and now that I've swallowed the news only all these questions starta to pop out wtf!

I must highlight that my bf was completely useless. He was laughing hysterically at my condition wtf! He was laughing at the irony of me being lazy and went for a martial art class but ended up with a serious injury! But I was laughing also la wtf! Over-shocked!

Now I'm resting at home, bored out of my mind. So I'm just gonna blog with my left hand and a finger on my rightable hand. IT'S A DISASTER BY THE WAY. After every paragraph, I had to rest my hand on a pillow. These few days weren't easy for me, I am EXTREMELY right handed. My left hand is very underused. I couldn't eat, sleep or shit properly for now omg!

I'm still very angry and frustrated cause I didn't take pain killers. It hurts so badly I just wanna curl into a ball and cry. But it gets better sometimes and I forget about my wrist.

I guess i just wanna say please if you have any injuries, don't be afraid that you're troubling the doctors cause sometimes it's more serious than you think. You won't know is it mountains or molehills until you're diagnosed. Get it checked for a peace of mind.

Alright I'm gonna go back to being a sloth now! Hehe. Won't get fat from the lack of food intake anyway!

Update again soon! Bye bye~
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