Hello again! Have you ever experienced those moments where your whole schedule was ruined because a plan was postponed or pushed forward?
Well I was minding my own business in Celebrity Fitness waiting for time to pass. The plan was to head for shower at 7pm. I would have one solid hour in the gym shower to transform my sweaty gym self to party dress code self.
So around 6pm I checked my phone and the plan was pushed forward to 630pm! My shower plans was shattered. Seriously as a girl in a completely stranger shower, I had to get ready in half an hour. And that includes make up time. Rush! Crazy mad rush!
I believe that gym goers have faith in each other while in the shower room. I mean, the shower curtain is a mere thin sheet of waterproof cloth. There is nowhere secure it to. So throughout the shower I'm thinking..
- crap crap come on hurry! No time left!
- oh God please don't let anyone open the curtains!
- [Insert Curse] no one changes the time half an hour before an event!
So I showered and got dressed, in a total mess. I'm really glad CF has a make up station! I was worried that I would have to decorate my face on a bench or something.
I placed everything I had on the station and had to run out to pass the shampoo. I didn't want to run out with my tote bag from Catching Fire Preview (which is super awesome! soft, handy, big and very light! Kudos to whoever made it!), so I scanned the area and asked a stranger to help me look after my stuff for a minute while I run out. She looked confused as if she didn't understand English, but she nodded okay.
When I ran out, it hit me. What if the lady inside was a crook, a thief? I had just handed over my valuables to her. Of course, I didn't lose anything. It's just a 30 seconds trip. But the thing is, have you ever wondered that our stereotyping behaviour will surprise us one day and cause us to lose something?
I handed my valuables to a girl I never met. Believing from her appearance that she is not a thief. In the shower, I put my Nike sport shoes within my sight because there were a few cleaner ladies speaking some foreign language and I was afraid they might steal it. Just because the girl is putting on make up and look Malaysian, I deemed her innocent and good. While I assumed that the cleaner ladies are bad and dangerous.
I feel bad now. The cleaner ladies don't deserve to be stereotyped by me. They're probably nice, hardworking people looking for a living. I had no right to judge them to be bad and dangerous. Sometimes when my family is buying fruits, it is these people that speak a foreign language that give us pointers as to which fruit is good and which is not. Locals would never do that.
I too was a victim of stereotyping. Hong Kong customs stopped and checked me because my hair was dyed light brown. In HK, people don't dye their hair light coloured unless they are a gangster or something. Plus I was travelling alone. So note that if you travel in a family and dye your hair black, you can smuggle drugs easily (Not that I condone or have any involvement with drugs). I totally understand why Jason Sudeikis in Meet The Millers wanted a whole family to transport a ton of marijuana across Mexico. It is stereotyped to be less suspicious.
So after the whole mess, managed to make it at 6:40. In the end I was still 10minutes late, but the event didn't start on time anyways!
And here's my OOTD which was posted before here.
Well I'll try to be less stereotypical next time round.
That's it for today. Bye now~