Saturday, May 3, 2014

Headphones Ethics

Hello hello hello! Welcome again to my humble little blog Pillow Talk Till Dawn~ 

I am currently missing Disneyland and their jolly mood. So I tried to imitate that in my opening sentence.

It's very wrong of you to think that I'm gonna talk about Disneyland today because I'm not. Today's topic is about headphones ethics. 

I was having this random conversation with Elie and she told me her music was playing so loudly that the person sitting next to her can hear the lyrics clearly. 

My response was "Oh Gosh! You have no headphones ethics!".

We proceeded to debating whether the person sitting next to her has sharp hearing or her music was just playing too loudly. Of course, the debate didn't last very long because well.. I didn't actually hear her music so it became a pointless discussion. 

But that is not the issue. The issue here is headphones ethics. Headphones ethics is an unwritten, implied ethics code which I just made up, but should be practised by everyone wearing headphones!

Why a code of ethics specifically for headphones? Well, you wear headphones so that you can listen to your own music without disturbing other people right? If you still end up disturbing other people then why put on the headphones in the first place?

Can't find the original picture so here's the copy from instagram!

So here are 6 headphones ethics: 

Don't play music so loudly that others can hear. No offence my darling Elie, but regardless whether the person next to you has sharp hearing or not, playing your music so loudly is unethical. Seriously, this type of people annoys me the most! Especially in the library! The library is supposed to be a quiet study space! Don't play your music so loudly that the rest of the library can hear! Then might as well just play your music without your headphones. It makes no difference. So please turn the volume down.

Don't talk with headphones on. I've seen some people screaming their lungs out because they thought they are speaking normally. If you are talking to someone, the polite thing to do is to turn down the music, or take off your headphones. Else, don't make conversation. You're only embarrassing yourself when you find everyone is staring at you. And to be honest, I'm guilty of this one.

Don't start laughing. In fact, don't make a sound. Once, I was in the computer lab getting my assignments done. I was expecting computer lab to be slightly noisier because it's not a noise free zone like the library. But there should still be some sort of noise limit right? Two girls were laughing their heads out while watching Running Man with headphones on. So totally unethical. Plus they probably didn't notice how loud are they since they had headphones are on. Put on headphones to not disturb other people with Running Man sound, but then laugh your head off watching it?! Sorry, you just don't make any sense. 

When both headphones are on, the Do Not Disturb sign is on too! It's a general rule right? People like this are most likely in Get Shit Done Mode. So unless it is an absolute emergency, it's best to leave them to their own business. 

One side on, one side off. This means that they're available for conversation! Go for it. Either that or they're eavesdropping. The other headphone is like a disguise or sort. Also, I'm guilty as charged. 

When talking to higher authority, take them off. Taking your headphones off is a sign of respect. I mean, it's quite rude to be asking for help from your lecturer with your headphones on. There may be no music playing, but still. Take them off. I'm pretty sure that the lecturer will think that you are rude. Not like its very hard to take off your headphones also. Heck, if I'm the lecturer I would shoo you away or intentionally tell you wrong information (Good thing I'm not, eh?).

That's all for my headphones ethics. It's great to listen to music in peace but let's be considerate too! 

Bye now~♡

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