Sunday, February 1, 2015

Unpopular opinion: Big cars should have smaller horns

Okay! It's Sunday after work and I have an unpopular opinion to share with everyone!

So the story starts with me having to work on a weekend and OHMYGOSH the level of tiredness and mm song-ness. Like it wasn't that bad but I feel super lethargic. Perhaps it's because I am feeling a little under the weather because of the weather..

But before I could finish that thought, a super loud honk from a bus made me jump out of the passenger seat and I had an eureka moment.

Does no one find this weird? The sole purpose of a horn is to alert others of potential danger. Or if you are driving in Malaysia, stupid drivers use it to honk stupider drivers.

Now, these buses/lorries/monster trucks are several times larger than a small compact car like a Perodua Myvi. So why do these large vehicles have horns that sound like SURPRISE MOTHAF*CKER BONK BONNKKKKK while the Myvi only lets out a barely audible pip pip. 

I don’t understand the reasoning. I mean hello.. A large vehicle is big enough for our eyes to see even in our blind spot. So why does it need such a loud horn? To match that intimidating size so they can bully other smaller vehicles? Think about it. How many times has a large vehicle honked so loudly that you either jumped out of your seat or instinctively steer the other way?

On the other hand, a Myvi can be easily missed. Especially when it's in the blind spot of a large bus or lorry. I've seen with my own eyes, a Myvi got squished at the side because the lorry was cutting to the right without noticing the Myvi. And guess what. The pathetic pip pip of the Mvyi’s horn is hardly enough to alert the lorry driver.

Anyway, my whole point is that smaller vehicles should be equipped with louder horns, and larger vehicles with smaller horns. The fact that horn volume is proportionate to vehicle size just doesn’t make any sense to me.

Okay buh bye for now.

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