Saturday, May 10, 2014

So.. I won an iPad Air and MORE!

Welcome back to my little blog!

So this is a CELEBRATION post because I won myself an iPad Air! It is still so surreal. I didn't dare to announce it on my blog sooner because I'm afraid that I am like a victim of some extensive April Fool's joke. Or maybe there is some other blog out there that has a similar name to mine like 'Pillow Talk Til Dawn' or 'Pillow Talking Dawn' but I failed to realize the difference and assumed I won. 

About 2 months ago, I joined a product review for Nivea. It is actually more like a contest for us Nuffies and the top 3 most creative posts wins an iPad Air! I actually spent a lot of time and effort into writing the post. One whole month to be exact. Writing, rewriting, tweaking; just to get everything to be perfect. I even bugged Elie and Aly (pun not intended) to help me proof-read my post! When I posted it out I was so concerned that it wasn't good enough and not worthy of winning.

Honestly, I was thinking that there is no way I can win given that there are so many other bloggers out there, who are better than me, more experienced than me and probably more creative than me. I mean at that point of  time I started blogging for only 3 months (6 months now) so I really am not confident. But I was thinking to myself that Nivea hampers sounds good too right? Since I really do use a lot of Nivea products.

I will not forget how I was just lazing in the library and Elie's chat head pop out and she told me that I won the iPad! I was thinking she might be hallucinating or something. So I went to Nuffnang's Facebook page and I saw the announcement!

Saw the announcement and my heart starts pounding

Scroll a little more and...

Taadaa! The full list of winners

See the words pillowtalktilldawn? Yeap that's ME!! =D

I make sure that I read several times to confirm that my eyes are not playing tricks on me! I was so happy! Immediately I texted my parents to share my joy. Follow up by sharing the post on my own Facebook page for a very silly reason. I was worried that the post will go away so I thought that I better share it before it disappears.

A few weeks back I received my collection e-mail and I went to Nuffnang office on the first collection day since I was on mid-sem break anyways. Nuffnang office seems so much more serious compared to the last time I went  there to collect my Nivea sample. I was trying to be as quiet as possible and leave silently with my iPad Air.

Holding it in my hands make it feels more realistic than anything! And here it is.. the fruit of my hard work!

Placed in the Nivea bag

Hi honey~ 

Kisses~ <3
I dare not live dangerously so the first thing I did was get a screen protector and cover!

It's like dressing a new born baby because leaving them naked is too dangerous.
Especially in my hands.

Hello I am welcomed! 

As a Samsung user, after I turned on my iPad I literally stared at it for a little while and just felt so lost. I suddenly need an Apple ID while I am so used to using my gmail account for everything.

Can you guess what app I opened first? As a relatively vain female, I tried out the camera and took some silly pictures with photo booth!

Silly picture #001

Suddenly feel so lucky and blessed that I started blogging and I have so many people around me that supports me in what I'm doing. And now I am getting a huge reward for doing something I love so I definitely have nothing to complain! And now I have more motivation and encouragement with my blogging stuff. 

In fact, looking back I actually own all my Apply products by winning them! When I was 17, I joined an essay writing contest from The Star and won myself an iPhone 3GS. It is not working anymore so I upgraded to Samsung Note 2! 

Such nostalgic iPhone! It contains a lot of memories from A-levels and every time I look at it I can just cry from all the memories!

So yeah.. I really never bought any Apple product on my own but I've got an iPhone, an iPod and now an iPad. I am a very lucky girl. 

After winning my iPad, I also won quite a lot of stuff. Lucky moments in a row!

1) Won RM 200 by tweeting FlyFm in conjunction with Milo! It was another effortless attempt! I was just on Twitter at the right time!

Almost immediate winning and I heard Ben read my tweet out in a romantic way!

2) Won a Churpie Plushie! Churp Churp is having a selfie contest and I did the extreme and drew 'Churp Churp' on my face and #Churpselfie.

Posted this on my Instagram and won my plushie!
P/S: I was so happy when Timothy Tiah liked my picture but then again, he owns Churp Churp

I am addicted to plushies so welcome to the family churpie!

3) Also won myself a tin of Milo by unintentionally sharing how I like to drink my Milo (yes I am a huge fan of Milo. Drink it almost everyday) 

Yay a tin of Milo! 

This is not a post to show off what I've won so far but to share how lucky and blessed that I've been. Of course I hope that my luck won't stop! I need a vacation somewhere.... So I am going to keep my fingers crossed and continue doing my best and do my part well!

This post seems to be getting a little long but hey~ hope I can rub my happiness on you too.

Till the next time~


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