Saturday, July 19, 2014

Call Me Ms Paul The Octopus Cause I Won A Hydraskin

Hey~ I wrote this post during the World Cup but didn't manage to publish it in time. The timeline is a bit off because of that but nevertheless, ENJOY!!

LaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLa~ I dare you!

It's like there must be a Shakira song to complete the whole World Cup feeling. Anyway, hello! World Cup fever anyone? The final match is closing in and the football jerseys are selling fast! I went to look from shop to shop while I was on my short vacation (should blog about this soon) and it was sold out everywhere. So annoyed! I actually am quite indecisive of which team's jersey to buy since if you buy the wrong one and the rest of the year, you won't feel like wearing it out. 

I also realize how suddenly Spain jerseys are everywhere. What a pit for Spain this time round. Oh well, there's always the next World Cup right? 

Speaking of World Cup, does anyone recall Paul the Octopus? The one in Germany where they put in 2 feeding boxes with different flags stuck on it and the first feeding box it chooses will turn out to be the match winner. Not sure is it really some genius octopus but it did get the winning team (Spain) right 4 years ago.


It died 2 years ago so this year we are left with dice throwing to predict the winner.

I think Paul the Octopus' luck is passed onto me this year.

For each World Cup match, Hydraskins has contest on their Facebook page. We are allowed to put in our prediction of the match results and the first person to get it right will win a free Hydraskin of their choice. 

I think I should introduce Hydraskins a little. Hydraskins are basically phone stickers that will make your phone prettier! There are a variety of choices ranging from country flags, to little comic doodles or some really artsy designs. You can find all the designs at their online site here.

On that day, they had another contest and the prediction was for the match between Germany and Portugal. I was actually still having my exams then and I was thought to myself...

 Spain lost 5-1.. So it isn't much of a stretch to say 4-0 right?

The match I predicted.
Using the iPad Air I won a few months back. 

I was also very torn because I like Portugal more due to this particular hottie with the number 7 jersey (WE ALL KNOW WHO HE IS RIGHT?) but at the same time, I know Germany has a better chance from listening to my dad and brother in law's conversation. Besides, everyone guessed most of the popular figures like 2-1 or 2-0 already. So I mindlessly put in the most extreme figure and miraculously...


I was actually supposed to be studying but I took short 'breaks' every 15 minutes to check on the progress of the match. But at 94 minutes, it was all over Facebook that I miraculously predicted the score correctly. But as per usual, I was thinking maybe some other person beat me to the score. I was telling myself not to be so overconfident. But on the next day, I got a tag on the post!

'Amazingly Stephanie Cheng got it right..' it says. I am amazed too! Haha

As per usual, told my parents and my dad gave me the "This girl so lucky! Like that also can get it right!" response. Well yeah.. I mean what are the odds right? I feel kinda like Paul the Octopus! Muhahaha.

And a few days later, my Hydraskin came in by mail!

Mine is called 'My Secret Garden'

This is the huge sticker piece for the back of my phone

Sticky part of the Hydraskin

I like how I can remove it and stick it back without losing the stickiness! I think I stuck and restuck the sticker at least a 100 times before I was finally satisfied. This feature also lets me use my 323566 other phone covers! Yes I am totally addicted to buying phone covers.

Instructions! Which seriously is a case of easier said than done!
How I wish they open a brick and mortar shop to help me stick.

Screen protector that fits around the Hydraskin! Cool

And mine came with a clear case too!
So the skin can be seen in all its glory AND be protected at the same time.

The front and a very squished Churpie that I won from Churp Churp!

Taadaa~ I kinda love how pretty my phone is now!
It's so gorgeous to look at! Now I can identify my phone easily! 

Personally, I think the bumper (which cost like RM 10) that I bought from Jonker Street fits my phone better sine the plastic case is rather thick. Made my phone super fat! I tried on the bumper and the results...?

MUCH MUCH PRETTIER THAN USING THE PLASTIC CASE! The red complements the girly My Secret Garden theme! Plus, it is much easier to use all the buttons at the side now cause the red part is actually rubber, not hard plastic! Mega LOVEEEEE.

And guess what! It is also thinner! My bulky Note 2 suddenly became so THIN!

Now I wish my luck will extend to my soon-to-be results! *prays super hard*

Alrighty, guess that's all for my Paul the Octopus post! I just now hope I don't die 2 years later like Paul... *touch wood*

Till the next post~


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