Sunday, December 14, 2014




New milestone to my life so far! Hehehe. After 2 years of kindergarten, 6 years of primary school, 5 years of high school, 1.5 years of a-level and 3 years of degree! What a long long long long long way to that mortarboard! 

Anyway, being the lazy ass and procrastinating queen, finally I'm gonna sit down and write my day down. Flashback~~
23rd November 2014
Whoever decides that it's okay to have graduation in the morning, it's DEFINITELY NOT okay! Can't believe I have to literally drag myself off bed at 6am just to attend the convocation. Why 6am? Well because perfect skin and nice hair doesn't just happen everyday. Not to me at least.. Woke up super early to put ICI on my face haha.  

Here's what I wore by the way! I really think a plain black knee length dress is PERFECTTTT for graduation
And I don't have a self portrait so haha.. 

Reached Sunway Resort & Spa around 8am and fuyoh all the robe drama starts! Because Monash didn't allow us to take home the robe or anything so I actually get to try it there and then. If you think about it, it's actually super scary. I mean.. I HONESTLY DO NOT KNOW HOW TO WEAR A ROBE! All hail Pei Yeen for bringing a lot a lot of safety pins or my robe WILL BE ALL OVER THE PLACE! I mean come on. At least prepare us a manual or friendly guide a few days before graduation please. 

Took me about 1 hour to pin down the hood to my robe and it's still falling all over. LOL

This was right before the ceremony when everything decided to fall off at the same time! Heh

Luckily I got some help moments before the ceremony and everything is where it's supposed to be. Or at least where I think it should be.. 

Admission tickets for my parents.

Ceremony starts around 10am I think, was quite lucky I get to sit between Cheng and Pei Yeen. If not, the ceremony would really be a snooze fest. Sorry laaaa but events with speeches are really not my thing. I mean I've been sleeping through lectures so convocation is almost the same. 

Always my exams buddies! I should also point out how stressful it is to sit between these top students during exams ISH!

The ceremony started fairly punctually. At most a 5 minutes delay. I thought I wouldn't be bothered with the whole ceremony but damn! When the chancellor crew walks in, it was like...


This moment. All the years of hard work boils down to this moment. The feeling of acknowledgement. That hey.. you've finally achieved something! 3 years of hard work. It's not easy. A really firm pat on the shoulder for job well done.

Please do not fall is such an understatement. Haha. I wasn't worried of falling AT ALL. I was more worried that my mortarboard and my robe slides off my body and it'll be so embarrassing. I was frantically adjusting my robe and all until the very last moment.

And.. GOOD NEWS! Nothing fell (including myself)! But hor, I forgot to doff my mortarboard aka greet the chancellor which is apparently an insult in the academic world. Literally braked and reversed to make that little bow before walking forward to get my cert. Eheh.

That proud moment! 

Definitely one of my highlights of 2014! Okay after ceremony = PHOTOS PHOTOS AND MORE PHOTOS TIME!

Smartest decision and advice I'll give to any future graduates is to hire your own  personal photographer.

It's very comforting to know there's a professional taking your pictures rather than relying on your phone or someone else's camera. The super pro pictures taken below is by Dick Wai! He's my sister's wedding photographer and THANK YOU FOR THE LOVELY PICTURES :')

I super love the pictures of my family and I. It's not about how pretty or perfect we look but how the pictures managed to capture all our happiness and joy during that moment. Like I can feel how proud are my parents of me just by looking at the pictures.

Parents <3

Squeezing me is fun apparently


Okay this is me being stupid pointing out that the tiger got balls in the statue haha

We just look very alike. I don't know them :P

Next in line for the Mortarboard

She's my make up artist for that day! Thank you cousin fats :*

Weeee~~ Obligatory mortarboard throwing picture

The mortarboard picture look so nice but please ahhh I failed like 20 times before capturing this shot! Haha #notmodelmaterial

This picture was taken by my mom! 

Look at all the gifts bought by my family! Especially the big chipmunk. My silly daddy went an bought it to surprise me because a bear is too conventional. Plus it got a little tooth in jutting out front. Soooo cute! But most importantly, it's filled with my dad's love <3

I also got heap of lovely pictures of my friends!

My support :)

This shot is damn hard to take please! I got a lot of pictures of everyone making funny faces cause our mortarboard were gonna fall on our heads!

Lies! We're actually never this serious.

This is more like it!

These are the hooligans I spent 3 years with. Future CEOs yo! I swear I will upload the pictures on FB...Like whenever I can. Haha. Just so unbelievably lazy laaaaaa and it feels like an album of vanity cause there's me in every picture :P

I know they don't read my blog but really.. they make this 3 years such an enjoyable journey. If I had the chance to do it all over again, I would. 

Alright. That's all for my big big day! 

A big thank you for everyone who loves me so so much regardless what a big pain I am most of the time! Hehe.

Cheers to everyone and bye bye now~

P/S: Turns out the most photogenic part of me is my shoes wtf. So attention seeking in every picture. It's pretty but I ended up with the worst blisters ever! Anyhow, here's an artsy picture I tried to take of my shoes cause it's so expensive but so pretty and painful!

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