Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Of Coffee Stain and Mad about Coco

Hi pillow talkers! 

Brace yourself for another food-gasm post cause today is (again) about..

Okay maybe I should add an 's' after review cause this post will be about my Food Day Out in Publika!

11:00am: What perfect timing for brunch really. While being indecisive about where to head to for brunch, I managed to sneak in some time for a OOTD shot!

Kindly disregard my no make up face. It was 11am! Enough said.

Today is one of the rare occasions that I wear flats. Cause I hate that stuffy feeling when I wear flats like this. But I was forced to buy this pair from Vincci RM 55. I literally begged the Vincci staff to let me in at 9am because my supervisor was so strict about the type of shoe we must wear for work. Turns out the flats are super comfy (doesn't cut my feet even after wearing for the whole day) and not stuffy like normal flats. So I will wear flats more frequently now! Definitely a silver lining in my cloud.

11:30am: Dug through my bag and found a voucher from Yamagoya Ramen from the last visit that's expiring in a week. So brunch at Yamagoya Ramen it is!

Redeemed the free rice ball that's literally just rice and seaweed, ordered the same ramen as last time plus some stir fried vegetables.

Mukashi Special Ramen RM 24

Stir Fried Vegetables RM 7

Free Rice Ball. Normally RM 5

The rice ball's rice is actually warm so it made me feel all fluffy and fuzzy inside. Felt so happy eating this plain but warm rice and seaweed. But the stir fried vegetables is crazy salty. The vegetables are fresh and crunchy but there is too much seasoning for my liking.

12:30pm: Since I knew that there will be more food stops after this, I shared my brunch (smart right?). Next, we started making our way to either Mad About Coco or Coffee Stain by Joseph. The plan is to not check the directory or ask the concierge for directions. We stop at whichever shop we found first! 

12:35pm: Okay the plan was a bit flawed. Found Coffee Stain by Joseph in 5 minutes! Actually it's kinda cheating cause I knew Coffee Stain by Joseph is near Coffee Societe so it's not that hard to find.

The shop interior sports an modern and edgy, yet minimal design.

My target here is the 3D coffee art. Since I'm not a big fan of coffee, I decided to order an iced dark chocolate for RM 10. Adding art on my coffee would cost me RM 5 extra. A bit expensive, but no harm trying.

FYI, the art barista will only come at 1 o'clock! I waited for half an hour but if you don't wanna wait, I would suggest coming just slightly before 1, place your order and get served first. It gets quite packed around 1. Lunch hour coffee break!

Taadaa~ Here's my precious 3D coffee art!

The bear is so cutee!

How could I eat you T_T

My bear looks so sad now=(

While waiting for time to pass, I also ordered Cool Cube by Sam for RM 15.90. It was highly recommended by the waitress and I was not disappointed! The drink concept is interesting because instead of adding normal ice cubes that would dilute the coffee, the Cool Cube ice cubes is coffee (frozen espresso)! To drink this, you are supposed to pour in the warm silk milk to dissolve the espresso and make it a latte! What a genius idea!

The coffee taste awesome as there is no ice to dilute the taste! You can also control the bitterness of the latte simply by varying the amount of milk added. A MUST TRY!

Overall, I'm not sure if I would get the 3D art add-on again (Though its sooo cute). But I'm sure that I will drop by again to try the other drinks! 

2:00pm: Done with coffee! So now chocolate~ Resume walking aimlessly in Publika to find Mad about Coco. But before that, I need a bank! 

2:30pm: Do you have any idea how huge is Publika? Eventually I wandered off to Kencana's office building. Quite a sophisticated building...with atm. 

3:00pm: I cannot emphasise enough how big Publika actually is! Finally gave up and asked the concierge for directions and ironically, it's above Yamagoya Ramen. I walked for almost an hour to go back to point A.

The interior is completely different from Coffee Stain. It's more sweet, girly and fancy kinda shop. 

Spent RM 20 to order their signature dessert: Innocent Devil Tiramisu Ball! The bottom hemisphere is made from Tiramisu, while the top hemisphere is made with white chocolate.

The nice looking ball didn't last very long though! The waiter then poured warm chocolate over the ball; melting the white chocolate into several pieces.

When it's served, the sweet scent of strawberries made my stomach growl! Unfortunately, the strawberries were sour! Not even the chocolate's sweetness could counteract the strawberries' sourness. Maybe they specifically used sour strawberries to give the dish distinct flavour? Small matter though.

Next, tried the molten chocolate that was poured all over the tiramisu ball! It's warm and rich! The richness of the chocolate just wakes up my taste buds; making me want more! There's also broken bits of white chocolate scattered around the plate! Yums. Then I tried the white chocolate mixed with the molten dark chocolate. Crazy crazy rich! So much chocolate in every bite. 

When I was about to stop eating cause it's too sweet for my liking (I'm not a sweet person), I tried the chocolate with the tiramisu. Now I understand why it's called innocent devil. The tiramisu was cold and when mixed with the warm chocolate, the dessert is totally irresistible! The small portion is not enough! And actually RM 20 for such a small portion is quite expensive. A more reasonable price would be around RM 12-15.

The only down side is the waiters are quite rude. I mean as I was choosing seats he gave up on waiting and just handed us the menu. Not like I was taking very long also. A minute at the most. I also noticed that the same waiter continued chatting with his coworkers, even though my order was right next to him. Saliva notice please?! What could be so important that my order had to wait for you to finish? Shouldn't it be the other way round? Serve me my order and I wouldn't have cared less what you do after. No work ethic at all.

Overall, the Innocent Devil Tiramisu Ball was delicious, albeit a bit pricey. The experience was marred by the unethical waiter.

Well this post is getting lengthy! Three restaurants, one day, same location!

Happy to get you tempted! Until the next post, bye~

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