Saturday, February 22, 2014

Dim Sum at Shang Palace, Shangri-La

Hello everyone~

Ready for another blog post? As the title suggests, today's post is another..

Actually I feel like adding glitters and stars around the sign because this time is a very classy kind of food review

One fine day, my friend invited me and several other friends for dim sum in Shangri-La. There were only two things in my head at that moment:
1) Shangri-La has dim sum? Don't they have that Lemon Garden place with buffet and all..
2) How big of a hole will my wallet have after?

In the spirit of Chinese New Year and since the meal was gonna be semi-sponsored, so I just went for it. I'm sure it's gonna be a pleasant experience anyways; Shangri-La is a very reputed brand after all.

So I woke up early on the 4th day of Chinese New Year to doll myself up.

Obligated selfie!

I think it's the first time in a long time that I actually made an effort to look good for breakfast. Usually, I cant care less that I look like a zombie for breakfast. Actually scratch that, I don't usually wake up for breakfast. I go for the more teenager friendly brunch.

Reached Shangri-La around 10am and I was starving. I think I had heavy supper a night before and yet I'm starving the moment I woke up. Regardless I still managed to take a few OOTD shots.

OOTD! The stairs behind me is the stairway to heaven! I mean, Shang Palace!
Can you spot the sign?

Accessories and shoes.

After 5 minutes of wandering around the lobby, we headed up the stairs to Shang Palace. There were a few tables outside Shang Palace but our table is behind that big red entrance and way fancier than outside. 

Nice walkway. So red and festive!

Oh look there's me again!

Not only that, we get this lovely VIP room. According to my friend, he booked it for noise control and so that we won't be embarrassed by our behavior. I don't blame him really. You can't possibly talk softly in a group of 10. And indeed that was the right choice as the main hall was deathly quiet. We would have stuck out like a sore thumb with all the noise that we would make.

Didn't mange to take picture of the room as a whole but took some pictures of their wall and ceiling.

Polite staff came in with the menu and I'm pretty awed by it. I've never seen RM 15 烧卖 (siu mai) in my life. 

As expected from Shangri-La, everything is special and different in its own way. I love how their utensils have this pink Shangri-La logo custom made just for them.

Spam dim sum pictures time!

Wu Gok
Mashed yam dumplings stuffed with minced chicken meat

Har Gao
Fresh shrimp dumplings

Naai Wong Lao Sa Baau
Buns with egg yolk cream

Sui Maai
Pork dumplings with fresh scallops

XXL scallop close up!

Sin Zuuk Gyun
Bean curd rolls with minced chicken in oyster sauce

La Gaau Ji
Poached Shanghai style pork dumplings crowned with spicy soya dip

Paai Gwat
Pork ribs with black bean sauce

Har Gok
Shrimp dumplings served with mayonnaise sauce

Daan Tart
Mini egg tartlets

Some yummy crunchy stuff

Zha Har Yun
Stuffed shrimp dumplings filled with cheese

Jin Deui
Deep-fried sesame balls with lotus

Duai Ji Cheung Fun
Steamed flour rolls with fresh scallops

Sin Har Cheung Fan
Steamed flour rolls with shrimps

Cha Siu Cheung Fan
Steamed flour rolls with minced barbecue pork and Chinese parsley

Zha Leong Cheung Fan
Steamed flour rolls with dough fritters

Not to forget, the desserts after the meal. Actually I felt pretty weird to have desserts for breakfast but we're in a closed room with no windows! My gastronomical system is pretty easy to deceive.

Mong Guo Bou Din
Chilled mango pudding

Man Shou Gwo Xuei Gou
Cream of papaya topped with vanilla ice cream and fried avocado custard with golden threads
I like how this dessert name is 5 words in Chinese and super long in English!

Zhiong Mau Dong
Chilled lemon grass jelly with lime sorbet

Den Jun Lei
Double-boiled Chinese pear with dried figs

The moment of truth! Time to pay the bill. The damage wasn't that bad! Each of us only paid RM 30 and the rest was sponsored! For dim sum it's expensive but since this is Shangri-La, it's kinda expected. Actually if you asked me for opinion, the dim sum felt pretty normal. So you're paying for the ambiance and the impeccable service. The only special thing is that there are more scallops into our everyday dim sum dishes.

Had a little tour around Shangri-La later before we left for house hopping.

Good friends, great day and a very interesting dining experience.

Alright~ that's the end of my post.

See ya~

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