Monday, August 25, 2014

This Is War City-Link!

Oh gosh I have no idea how will I ever get over this anger I have boiling in me! 

I once posted an angry rant immediately after receiving bad service from a particular bank and I kept it as vague as possible because I didn't want to leave a bad name for that bank! But honestly this time I will go ALL OUT AND RAGE about City-Link!

Here! I even prepared their logo just in case anyone has never heard of City-Link

I am not afraid to voice out my opinion about them cause they are the most UNETHICAL courier service I've ever encountered! And I want to make it crystal clear that my issue is only with City-Link; not about DHL or PosLaju! 

Everyone seems to be so engaged with Xiaomi lately and even my sister is buying a lot a lot of their products. So last week, my sister bought a Xiaomi Redmi for skinny mommy's birthday! And that is when the nightmare happened:
23rd August 2014
Actually gonna put the date so if any City-Link's complain side is reading this they can go track back and FREAKING APOLOGIZE AND REFLECT ON IT!

It was a Saturday and we usually expect parcels to come either by afternoon or not at all right. And since it was almost dinnertime, we thought it won't be coming. Jeng jeng jeng!! They came like..
Not only that! Because we were out, they couldn't reach anyone. And guess what they did? Come back another day? Leave us a note? NOPE!
Anyway, this is what happened during the conversation between my sister and the delivery lady and wow you'll be absolutely amazed at her reasoning! Wasted talent not selling magical beans promising a beanstalk to happiness!

City-Link Lady (CLL): Hello, may I speak to Miss Sister (protecting identity at its finest! Haha)
Sister: Yes, that's me.
CLL: Hi. I actually have a parcel for you so are you at home right now?
Sis: No actually I am out now.
CLL: Oh so when will you be available to collect your parcel?
Sis: Can you deliver it on Monday please?
CLL: Oh no actually we are already at your doorstep and we saw your neighbour coming out and we just passed it to him.
Sis: Huh? No I want to collect it personally so can you just come back again?
CLL: No. If you want to collect it'll be in Cyberjaya so I just helped you by passing it to your neighbour.
Sis: Who is this 'neighbour'?
CLL: Oh I don't know, but he seemed very nice and trustworthy and his name is Mr. XXX and stays at number 22.
CLL: Don't worry he seems nice.
Sis: Can't you drop it at any of your City-Link offices?
CLL: No wo... actually I think he's okay! I TRUST HIM MORE THAN I TRUST MY STAFF!

And after that my sister was speechless. When I heard the story, I was also speechless.. just how stupid can a person be?!

There are five things this lady did that should never be done.

Problem #1
Why didn't you call to ask whether the recipient is home to actually receive the delivery BEFORE coming? If you had called, we would have waited at home for the delivery or rescheduled the delivery. Why only call after the fact?

Problem #2
Why didn't you call to ask for our consent to drop the parcel wit our neighbour? How could you pass MY parcel to my neighbour WITHOUT CONSENT? Might as well pass it to the security guard at the pondok. Must be trustworthy right. Security guard ma.

Problem #3
If you already dropped our parcel to our neighbour so please tell me why did you bother calling my sister and PRETEND as if you're asking if are we convenient to receive the parcel? You are merely INFORMING us since you already passed our parcel to our neighbour.

Problem #4
That neighbour she was talking about also isn't my immediate neighbour. They actually stayed 3 houses away on the opposite side of the street some more. Might as well pass it to the security guard a few more houses down right.

Problem #5
What do you mean you trust my neighbour more than you trust your staff? Excuse me ah! My neighbour could very well have just kept the parcel and claim that they received nothing! After all, we don't even have a tracking number! Might as well pass it to the security guard at the pondok! Must be trustworthy right! Security guard ma!

So we came home and luckily the kind Mr XXX sent it over to us! So nice of them. NEIGHBOUR, I THANK YOU SO MUCH! I can't believe someone we rarely say hi to went through so much trouble for us. I mean yea I would have done the same but still.. Why did the CLL ever think that ALL neighbours are nice!?

Here's the content of the parcel.

Skinny mommy's shiny new Xiaomi Redmi

Box filled with a lot more stuff than just the phone!

Yea so all these could have been lost and I wonder will City-Link be responsible? I can very well sue them for negligence! In fact, I could call them up and say I didn't receive anything and demand to be compensated. Bunch of irresponsible fools!

The last time when I missed my cheque from FlyFm, I tried calling them and they kept beating around the bush and delayed my cheque for ONE WHOLE WEEK! FlyFm and Xiaomi should really consider other freight companies besides City-Link.

At least my parcel contained replaceable stuff but ask yourself. What if the parcel contained a painting by Da Vinci. Or your dear grandmother's will. Or a key to access Wall Street. Anything valuable for that matter! Now imagine it is lost because such irresponsible people cannot be bothered to deliver properly! How can I trust them to deliver my things now? I really can't. I rather go for DHL or PosLaju!

I hope there's no more victims after us because honestly THEY SUCK SO BAD THEY SHOULD BE BANISHED!

Okay. Rant complete and guys.. Beware of City-Link!

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