Saturday, April 12, 2014

Reputable Bank, Disappointing Service

Hi everyone~ Welcome back to my little blog.

Today's post is gonna be a rant because of  little incident that happened to me this morning.

Every half a year, I have to run to the bank to get some stuff done. Frankly, I'm never a big fan of going to the bank because I don't know why bank is like the most jam packed place and the procedure can be long and tedious. Gazillion forms to be filled, piles of documents and everything seems to be everywhere. It gets things done but the process is so confusing and complicated. Since I am never a fan, I usually avoid it as long as I can.

Technically I don't have a choice. Bank plays a very significant role in our daily life. From credit card to ATM machines, there is no way that you will not use a bank, unless you keep an old rusted can under the bed and dig it out when you need money. Of course modern people nowadays would use at least one service from banks.

However, this morning I was greeted by the most unbelievably TERRIBLE service from this lady behind the counter. It wasn't any bank by the roadside with no reputation. It is a very WELL KNOWN bank in Malaysia. It even has branches in other neighbouring countries like Singapore or Thailand. Well I am not going to name names or point fingers but who say I can't hint right? That bank with RED theme and have 4 different letters in it. You can guess but I won't tell you exactly is it right or wrong. I will just call it WXYZ Bank.

To think that in such a competitive industry with so many local and international banks, they would have some proper quality control to keep their customers' business. I'll see how they survive if us depositors decided to do our business in another bank with better service quality. I opened my account here because it was convenient anyways. Take away convenience and service quality, and there will no reason for me to do business with WXYZ.

So back to my story. This morning I woke up at 9am to avoid the crazy crowd in the bank. I bet everyone is thinking about the same thing because the bank was filled when I reached. There's hardly any standing space but what to do. I already woke up early for this and I am not doing it again. As usual, went to line up to get the forms and get the number. WXYZ has a teller right in front of their door to control the crowd and to make sure that every customer gets the right number; so that they can go to the right counter in the shortest time.

I specifically told the teller that I needed to get a banker's draft from a fixed deposit account. So the procedure will be quite complicated. For those of you who don't know finance, fixed deposit accounts need to be terminated and cannot be closed if it is not expired. If you do, you'll have to pay a penalty. And banker's draft is basically a cheque but with the bank as the payer. Basically I have two things to be done but I want to get them done in one counter. Based on my request, the teller gave me a form along with a number, 4001.

Before I can finish filling in the form, the screen displayed the number 4001. With all my documents in one hand and a pen in the other, I rushed to Counter 5. At the counter, there's this really polite and full of smiles Malay teller asking me nicely how can she assist me. Of course, I told her my long winded request and she nodded and said no problem. While I'm at it, I handed her my other slip asking for an update and she said no problem again. Since I was already there, I also asked her whether she can help me deposit money and update my passbook. She replied yes and smiled again. So kind and friendly. At that moment my concerns flew away as I was glad that the teller is more than is willing to help me with everything I needed to do.

Suddenly, an evil witch came out from no where and cast a spell across the land! Nah that's very exaggerated. It was just a BOSSY Chinese lady that came out of nowhere and yelled at that nice Malay teller. I guess that she is the supervisor and that she is trying to control the crowd. Then, she walked over and grabbed all my documents continued yelling at the Malay lady. NOTE, she GRABBED! She didn't just take politely even though there's customers right there witnessing the whole thing. She told me that I had got the wrong number as Counter 5 is supposed to be a fast lane. I was told to leave and wait for my name to be called by the teller in Counter 3.

I was shocked, confused and aggrieved!

First of all, I wasn't the one who got the number. I was treated like a nuisance as if I jumped the line and walked right up to counter 5. She kept saying my number is wrong. BUT SO WHAT?! ISN'T IT FASTER TO JUST LET ME FINISH THAN TO MOVE ME TO ANOTHER COUNTER?! I already handed all my documents and verified myself with my thumb print and suddenly I'm supposed to go to another counter? While my documents was thrown to another counter who basically have no idea what do I need?

The teller that was giving out the number saw me standing there all confused. So he asked me again what do I need and confirmed that 4001 was the correct number. He even yelled back at that arrogant Chinese lady and she couldn't explain herself. Thanks for standing up for me! The whole bank basically came to a standstill and everyone was instead looking at the commotion; wondering what in the world is going on. I felt embarrassed to suddenly be the center of attention; as a victim of their horrible service system.

Anyways, I decided to not pursue the matter further so as to not waste any more time. I sat back at the waiting area and waited for Counter 3. But it doesn't feel right because I passed so many documents over at Counter 5 and I'm afraid the teller in Counter 3 will get confused. Hence, I had to explain my intentions all over again to Counter 3's teller. Luckily, the Malay lady manning Counter 3 was also very nice and she apologized for the absurd behaviour of her supervisor. She kept saying how the process was lengthened due to her nosy supervisor.

Finally, I got everything done; including updating my passbook. I got apologies from both the Malay tellers but theirs was not I wanted. These two deserve a BIG THANK YOU for being so helpful all the way.

Can you believe it? For such a reputable WXYZ Bank to have such appalling level of service. To quote Andy Lau,

"the service level at times like this is totally unacceptable"

I am so disappointed. How I wish someone from WXYZ bank reads this and re-trains her. Or even better, just fire her.

Okay. Rant over.

Shall post a less depressing post the next time~ Bye~

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