Sunday, November 15, 2015

Gunpla Expo 2015

" When did I become a Gundam fan....."
Totally not one.. I've only watched 4-5 episodes of Gundam Build Fighters cause the fights were pretty cool. After that, I stopped watching. I forgot why I didn't continue watching but I do admit the anime is cool! 

So why is this non-fan girl doing at a Gunpla Expo? SIMPLE. I was asked by le bf to join him. 

The invitation held more significance to me than you'll ever imagine. After a while of dating, you just stop asking each other out for dates. You just go.. Sometimes, half heartedly haha. And with all his seriousness, he asked me out AFTER SUCH A LONG TIME! Not only once but thrice! Anyway, even if he didn't ask, I would've went with him. Went with him a few times before this. He's a super Gundam fan. He'll drag me into Toys R' Us once in a while so he can look T the displays. Promised him that we can display one in our future home and he's been choosing one since then.. Apparently, he has decided to choose for a few years wtf! 

The  Gunpla Expo is held at Ikano Power Center or IPC for short! As I'm typing this blog entry, the expo is still on going.

The box set zone

The stage and the displays

It's actually quite small scale but it is FILLED with people! Everyone is grabbing box sets as if they were free. But oh no these are far from being free. A box set ranges from RM 100- 1000. Depending on the size and the model. Saw a Perfect Grade Strike Freedom Gundam from Gundam Seed, which my bf really fancied and targeted it to be the display set but it cost around RM 900?! *cold sweat* but ah well.. there is that coolness factor. 

It's Damn cool right? 

We started off the expo by getting this limited edition lanyard. Love the bright orange. Now should I use this as my office lanyard? But if someone can recognize the word "Gunpla" will they start judging me??? #paranoid But proudly wore it around the expo like a boss! I have a Gunpla lanyard kinda pride!!

Spot the bright orange Gunpla lanyard with Beargguy

The exhibition is honestly on a smaller scale. Been to bigger ones. With the large crowd, it's rather difficult to move around and enjoy every piece on display or look at every box set. Only can browse through really quickly when my vision wasn't blocked.

I felt like all the Otakus came out to the expo! I can't explain how but they got that otaku look and aura. CAN FEEL IT ONE! Haha.

Didnt managed to take any pictures with the displays but I took one with the large Beargguy (pic above)!! Not only that, but there was also a large Build Burning Gundam and Lightning Gundam, both from Gundam Build Fighters.

After some walking around, it was time for the meet and greet session with Star Build Strike Gundam, also from Gundam Build Fighters!!! Was so tempted to line up but a certain someone said he's not interested.. I was so ready to line up! Not sure why was I more excited than the super fan hahahh

Life sized Gundam!

The gun actually glows in green when he holds the trigger

Hey sexy back!

When we about to leave the expo...
Lady Luck shined brightly upon us!
We bumped into Katsumi Kawaguchi!!! Kawaguchi-san is like the father of building Gunpla! He had like tutorials and stuff! No prize for guessing that he's surrounded by fans before he can even step into the hall. I am the lucky few who caught him at the entrance. Took the chance and asked him to sign my Gundam catalogue while other die-hard-fans got him to sign their Gundam box sets. I feel utterly embarrassed omg! Totally a cheapskate aunty level. 

But I was going for the "Oh I just got here" approach! Haha.

Aunty cheapskate strategy worked!

Took pictures with Kawaguchi San too! He's like a super cute Japanese uncle. Very friendly.

Friendly smile 

See how cute he is when he's opening a packaging for a fan cause he didn't wanna sign on a plastic which will ruin the autograph?

But I gotta say! The people in the expo are the nicest people I've met! A guy saw me gingerly waiting for Kawaguchi-san's autograph and he told be to better hurry up. As in stop hesitating about should I approach him or not since I didn't have a box set. I needed someone to help me take picture and I passed my phone to a kind stranger. I said sorry to him cause he waited for my turn and he clearly is not obligated to help me take this pic. But he said no worries, I got cha back!


I think it's a safe to conclude now that most nice guys are hiding at home watching Gundam! Or other anime! Hehe

Okay this outing turned out to be eventful! Truth be told, I'm quite interested to build one of those Gundams. Can't wait till when we actually build one.. To decorate our study room perhaps. Hehe

Aha.. short update cause I can't share much about the experience. It was short but the energy level was intense! Can feel the fans' boiling blood and deadly enthusiasm!

Check it out if you're a Gunpla fan!

Signing off now! Bye~
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