Saturday, June 21, 2014

Get Your Timing Right!


So I actually have lots and lots of assignments due soon and I am supposed to be rushing my work now, but because of my carelessness, I am so anxious and uneasy that I could not get myself to settle down and do my work properly. I feel so panicky and I need a place to organize my thoughts so I can resume my work.

The thing is at times like this I usually will resort to friends that I can rant to. But they probably have the same problem as me and will probably tell me to suck it up and move on. I especially hate it when people tell me I am wasting time ranting because that time would be better spent doing work instead of sulking. If I were 100% alright then why would I need to rant right?

Anyways, I really hate doing assignments; especially those with no clear requirements and I am forced to 'assume' a lot of stuff, which is difficult because I have not come across the questions before! It is like asking me to imagine a new colour. Am I supposed to know what assumptions to make? I may have not seen the colour red before, so it is a new colour to me. But to the lecturer, the colour red is the most common thing in the world.

To make things worse, I knew that this assignment is due next week, but what I didn't realise that it is due on TUESDAY! I thought it is due on Friday and so I lost 3 days just like that. Okay it's mostly my fault.. actually no it's entirely my fault for not checking the dates properly. So I am now set back for 3 whole days and it is driving me crazy! I was thinking that I can probably get it done. I just have to stop watching TV then. NO BIGGIE.

Perhaps I am being punished for being too laid back because I realise that I have another assignment. Apparently due..... NEXT WEDNESDAY! So from Wednesday Friday, it became Tuesday, Wednesday. I feel like I just swam across a river full of crocodiles and fell in quick sand. And when I pull myself out, a man-eating flower thing is waiting to eat me. A totally !@#$% moment! Again, it's entirely my fault for not keeping track of all my assignment deadlines. I can't possibly tell my lecturer that because we are university students; practically adults already.

Let's see.. 24 hours a day! Fine.. SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK (but I am so weak I admit. I am a total pig!).  I can't rely on caffeine as well because caffeine makes me sleepy (odd system I have).

Guess my thoughts are now more organized thus.. *RANT COMPLETE*

Back to work now you assignment slave!!!!

Here's a selfie because I realize a wordy post has less views! Definitely a case of tl:dr.

Random artwork in library and I

That's all today! Busy bee busy me!

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