Saturday, December 7, 2013

Through Thick and Thin! I Love You.. 3.1415zza

Every family has their own issues. Some are more dramatic than others like when a scene straight out of a TVB drama happens in real life, while others are downright silly like in Shin Chan where the family argues whether to eat an egg dish or not.

For me, whether its family or friends, the issue of 'thick or thin' will always happen. Some of you may have already figured out that I am actually talking about a pizza's crust. The hint in the title being that 3.1415 is Pi. Pi + zza = PIZZA! *lame I know, but its okay*

While everyone is going crazy over the burger trend, I am staying true to my pizza. I actually eat fast food quite frequently. More frequent than I should be, I know, but its just so convenient.

My poison of choice is Pizza Hut's super mainstream Hawaiian Chicken flavour

But whenever I'm out with friends at places like Pizza Brava, they only serve thin crust. No thick crust option is available. I fell in love with Pizza Brava only recently so the next time I go there I will definitely blog about the food there! For those of you that can't wait, Pizza Brava can be found in Desa Sri Hartamas; near Starbucks and in Asia Cafe; SS15. Anyways, back to the topic!

Thick or thin?

Whenever this comes up, thick crust lovers will say that the thin crust is so thin that its more biscuit than pizza. Plus! There is so little of the thin crust to be able to taste it at all. The thick crust however, is crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside (like a pillow!). Also sometimes, there is sausage or cheese inside the crust which makes it even better! Extra sensation and excitement! 

Thin crust lovers on the other hand, will say that the thin crust has much more crunch than the thick crust. The only reason I would choose thin crust over thick is because it is easier to cut and chew. And the bread will not get stuck in your teeth! It's even worse for those with braces cause every bite of the thick crush will just get more and more bread stuck in the braces. Not a pleasant feeling nor a nice sight to see. Once, the Pizza Hut Delivery guy came late and the pizza had gone cold. When thick crust pizzas are not eaten straight out of the oven, its hard to chew. After one slice, my jaw would already be aching!

At the end of the day though, regardless of thick or thin crust, pizza is still pizza. There is no need to fuss over the crust. Both types have their own pros and cons, and people that love them. Sort of like bacon. No matter how the bacon is served, it is still bacon and is equally as delicious. For me, I don't have a preference for the crust, only the toppings. Like, if there is one thick and one thin crust pizza with tuna toppings, I wouldn't eat either. Now try the same scenario, but with pepperoni toppings. I don't know about you but I will gobble both up in an instant!

So Pizza, I will love you no matter if you're fat or skinny. You're just perfect the way you are. Maybe one day I will blog about pizza toppings, and have a group of people telling me "HAWAIIAN IS BETTER" and another screaming "PEPPERONI! PEPPERONI!!". 

Till then~ toodles <3

PS: Next week is a hectic roller coaster week for me. Wish me luck :)

PPS: I got pre-screening passes to The Hobbit : The Desolation of Smaug courtesy of Nuffnang! Stay tuned for the review!
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