Saturday, April 5, 2014

Bamburanta Beauty & Spa: A serene R & R

Hi guys!

Today I'm sharing my massage experience in Bamburanta Beauty & Spa. 

Almost every semester during the exam period, I have the tendency to go on Groupon and check out cheap massage deals for some post-exam pampering sessions. I actually do study quite hard, sacrificing my weekends and all. So I totally deserve it right? However, normal massage and spa prices are definitely out of the reach of the average student, so all I can do is wait for cheap deals on Groupon to go. 

I chanced upon this deal for this weird name spa that I can't seem to pronounce. I noticed that it's in Bangsar and pretty reasonably priced. They claim that it was having a 76% discount from RM 240 to RM 56. But I'm pretty sure that the price was jacked up to make the discount appeal to kiam siap (read: stingy) and poor customers such as myself because I saw their brochure quoting the exact same massage for just RM 140. So it's they kinda cheating a little but hey RM 56 is still a pretty reasonable price!

Despite saying it's for my post-exam self pampering, I actually redeemed the deal 2 months after my exam ended. Can't help it since I got a crazy amount of events lined up one after another! Since it's expiring soon, I managed to made an appointment and finally, a little R&R session for myself! 

Before reaching Bamburanta Beauty & Spa, I got lost! Thankfully they have staff answering the phone else I would be walking along the entire Bangsar Baru area with Waze. Bamburanta is located on Jalan Telawi, the same street with the Post Office, Subway and Pelita. The tricky part is that the shop is on the first floor, above a petshop. So keep your eyes peeled for this signboard:

With a proper amount of Balinese decoration, the shady feeling of an unknown shop on the first floor with maybe 20 killers waiting to kill me to make human meat cha siu bao is washed away completely!

Kind of creepy staircase up

Once I opened the door, I was greeted with a completely Balinese style decoration with soothing music. It's like the typical feeling you get from other spa center like Thai Oddessy or some foot reflexology. The feeling of serene ambiance just made my brain released some serotonin and I became utterly relaxed. 

I was greeted with smiling faces even when the staff probably know I'm those one time customers using Groupon voucher. I've encountered some really rude services because they know I'm just a Groupon customer elsewhere. But there is none of that at Bamburanta. The staff offered me ginger tea and changed my slippers to give me 100% comfort. Before the massage, excused myself to the toilet so I could explore around. To my surprise, the place is pretty well designed and used the small shoplot space well. Like suddenly there's a single room on my left and a couple room on my right. There's also a bath tub or shower in the rooms for their spa services.

After giving them the voucher code (paperless redemption woohoo!), I was guided to the massage room. It was dark but cozy. They have some bird chirping and water flowing music to enhance the serene and calming environment. Here's the awkward part: getting changed. I just have issue walking around in a thin bathrobe; practically showing the masseur my assets but I guess they've seen enough to be ignorant.

Compliments to the masseur for the right amount of massage pressure! I usually ask the masseurs to be really really gentle cause I'm quite sensitive to pain. More often than not, they just don't get it! I mean they tried to be more gentle but I wish they could try harder since I still feel pain. This time though, the masseur is so nice and gentle that I feel like I'm in heaven for that 2 hours! No pain, no struggle, just plain comfort! Because of that, the 2 hours was no where near enough! I wish I can stay there for like 5 hours! Although the services isn't exactly the same as advertised on Groupon; like a 30 minutes head and shoulder massage was only about 15 minutes, the overall experience is more than satisfying. 

So 2 hours flew by and they served me the second round of ginger tea. I then browsed through their brochure to see if I can continue the massage session.

Unfortunately their massage was quite expensive and not very wide in variety. I was looking for more head and shoulder massage that they don't provide. But they did offer me a very tempting 50% off for whatever massage I choose. Too bad I don't have time for second round of full body massage so I have to let it go. But I did notice the quick 15 minutes on-the-go pedicure for only RM 25. There was no discount for the quick pedicure but they did offer 30% off for the RM 50 full pedicure session. However, like I said, I did not have 45 minutes to spare. So I just went for the normal priced quick pedicure.

OPI for RM 25 is alright don't you think?

Reach for the sky!

Paid money and I felt like those 5 years old grabbing on to the table and not wanting to leave this place. It was so comfortable! 

Ah well~ Next time I guess. When I have disposable income to spend.

If you're interested in a masaage or spa session, do give Bamburanta a call for reservations because they are quite busy with heavy flow of customers, especially weekends!

With that, we've reached the end of this post!

Bye now~ 

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