Saturday, March 29, 2014

Miam Miam Yum Yum

Hey y'all~

Before I get to the blog post, I shall start off by congratulating Elie for her graduation!

To Elie, congratulations on your graduation!
Here's to new beginnings, and to new and even more amazing chapters of your life! Dream high, fly higher~

She was so occupied I didn't manage to take any pictures alone with her. Have to make do with this one!

Me, Elie and the guy who introduced Elie (who turned out to be my neighbor) to me! I shall name him, MR PHOTOBOMB! 

Confession time. All that smiling in that picture up there. Behind that huge smile is actually me thinking about food. Recently, there's this hype going around about Miam Miam. A Japanese and French fusion restaurant in One Utama. Naturally, this is a...

Lame joke time. Because the old Food Review sign was too thin, I thought, why not twist it up a little?

Miam Miam is located in between the old and new wing of One Utama. It is exactly opposite of Pasta Zanmai. I actually found it by accident. I was just strolling to buy cool Japanese stuff from the Shojikiya and I saw the shop when I walked out.

Since it is the place to be now, I am not surprised to see the crowd. The shop, including the seating area outside, was fully seated by patrons! It was around 1pm and I had to wait for about 15 minutes before I got a spot. It is not that bad since the waitress is very polite and constantly reassured me that my seat is getting prepared, instead of making me stand there as if they are not bothered by to serve me. Also, your order is taken while waiting so that the serving time is shortened.

Miam Miam, like most modern cafes nowadays, has a minimalistic design and lots and lots of tables to accommodate for their heavy customer flow. There's actually so many tables that there is not much walking space, so if you brought a trolley or a pram, you will probably have to leave it outside.

Miam Miam's retro design

Jam packed with people!

A little walking space next to the kitchen for customers and staff to walk in and out more comfortably.

Notice how the shop is filled with tables and chairs and is fully OCCUPIED? (pardon the flower)

Miam Miam is definitely not ideal for a yum cha session (meet up session usually for updates) since it is jam packed and noisy. The food on the other hand, is SPECTACULAR!

All the food that I ordered was so delicious! I was first quite doubtful because it's a mash up of Japanese and French cuisine. It's like combining 2 impossibly different objects together and expect it to create something better. But to my surprise, different things REALLY can make something great! 

I know Miam Miam is famous for their desserts but I was so hungry I choose to settle for the main course instead of desserts! Their menu was simple, so deciding on the dishes only took like 2 minutes. 

First page with toasts and sandwiches

Pancakes and souffles (a page I regret not ordering anything from)

More desserts!

Main courses #1

Main courses #2

First up, Riz Au Curry!

This was a very interestingly mashed up dish because they put cheese, sausage and broccoli on top of Japanese curry rice. Western and Japanese dish. At first glance it feels odd, but on second thought it actually quite innovative.

The glorious curry rice underneath the egg and cheese layer

The rice is covered by the curry but at the same time there's an extra taste coming from the cheese. It is not awkward at all! In fact it's such a perfect mix! I can't stop eating this. Pasta Zanmai should fear their competitor for Japanese Curry Rice. However, since this is a baked dish, it gets kind of sticky and disgusting if left to cool. Must be eaten when it's hot!

Next up, Miam Miam Spaghetti!

It's one of the "all time favourite" according to the menu. It is definitely another yummy dish! My taste bud was so excessively pampered I can't even use words to describe its awesomeness. The spaghetti was perfectly mixed as well. The French butter, Frankfurters and tomatoes are tossed with their secret broth and shoyu (read: Japanese soy sauce). Thought of replicating the flavor since the ingredients looked simple enough. There's always this secret broth...... I tried figuring out what is it but I simply can't. Need some taste expert here!

Last, but not least, Famous French Toast!

On the menu it says don't doubt just order. My advice? LISTEN TO THE MENU! When it came, I literally paused my chow down on the main dishes and had two pieces of this. It's so rich with eggs! The whipped cream and maple syrup just made it sweeter, but in my opinion, the toast is perfect even without the whipped cream and maple syrup. If you were to go there, just order this. While you're at it, order two. Don't need to order a main course as this is actually pretty filling for a dessert! The two mains I ordered were definitely already really good, but they still pale in comparison to this French toast.

No doubt Miam Miam serves high quality food, but the high quality comes with a high price tag.

Three dishes plus a can of coke and the bill came to RM 88.40. Yes the food is very delicious but it is still over-over-priced. Like the Riz Au Curry, actually only used basic, cheap raw ingredients, but is priced at RM 27. The reasonable price range for me would be around RM 15 - 17.

The CAN OF COKE costs RM 5.80 BEFORE service charge and tax. ONE CAN OF COKE. The coke probably came from Aeon; a short 5 mins walk away!

I don't have a picture of the offending coke can in question so here's a picture of a 1.5 litre bottle of coke I have at home. Which by the way, cost about RM 3.

The high price is definitely stopping me from a second visit.

I must give credits to their speedy service and politeness though! They stationed enough staffs so that you get attended almost immediately AND they serve you with a smile. Not rude at all! The service level make the overall dining experience to be above expectations!

Overall, Miam Miam is a fantastic restaurant and I will return there someday when I have money to spare!

That's all for now!

See ya~

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