Saturday, March 29, 2014

Miam Miam Yum Yum

Hey y'all~

Before I get to the blog post, I shall start off by congratulating Elie for her graduation!

To Elie, congratulations on your graduation!
Here's to new beginnings, and to new and even more amazing chapters of your life! Dream high, fly higher~

She was so occupied I didn't manage to take any pictures alone with her. Have to make do with this one!

Me, Elie and the guy who introduced Elie (who turned out to be my neighbor) to me! I shall name him, MR PHOTOBOMB! 

Confession time. All that smiling in that picture up there. Behind that huge smile is actually me thinking about food. Recently, there's this hype going around about Miam Miam. A Japanese and French fusion restaurant in One Utama. Naturally, this is a...

Lame joke time. Because the old Food Review sign was too thin, I thought, why not twist it up a little?

Miam Miam is located in between the old and new wing of One Utama. It is exactly opposite of Pasta Zanmai. I actually found it by accident. I was just strolling to buy cool Japanese stuff from the Shojikiya and I saw the shop when I walked out.

Since it is the place to be now, I am not surprised to see the crowd. The shop, including the seating area outside, was fully seated by patrons! It was around 1pm and I had to wait for about 15 minutes before I got a spot. It is not that bad since the waitress is very polite and constantly reassured me that my seat is getting prepared, instead of making me stand there as if they are not bothered by to serve me. Also, your order is taken while waiting so that the serving time is shortened.

Miam Miam, like most modern cafes nowadays, has a minimalistic design and lots and lots of tables to accommodate for their heavy customer flow. There's actually so many tables that there is not much walking space, so if you brought a trolley or a pram, you will probably have to leave it outside.

Miam Miam's retro design

Jam packed with people!

A little walking space next to the kitchen for customers and staff to walk in and out more comfortably.

Notice how the shop is filled with tables and chairs and is fully OCCUPIED? (pardon the flower)

Miam Miam is definitely not ideal for a yum cha session (meet up session usually for updates) since it is jam packed and noisy. The food on the other hand, is SPECTACULAR!

All the food that I ordered was so delicious! I was first quite doubtful because it's a mash up of Japanese and French cuisine. It's like combining 2 impossibly different objects together and expect it to create something better. But to my surprise, different things REALLY can make something great! 

I know Miam Miam is famous for their desserts but I was so hungry I choose to settle for the main course instead of desserts! Their menu was simple, so deciding on the dishes only took like 2 minutes. 

First page with toasts and sandwiches

Pancakes and souffles (a page I regret not ordering anything from)

More desserts!

Main courses #1

Main courses #2

First up, Riz Au Curry!

This was a very interestingly mashed up dish because they put cheese, sausage and broccoli on top of Japanese curry rice. Western and Japanese dish. At first glance it feels odd, but on second thought it actually quite innovative.

The glorious curry rice underneath the egg and cheese layer

The rice is covered by the curry but at the same time there's an extra taste coming from the cheese. It is not awkward at all! In fact it's such a perfect mix! I can't stop eating this. Pasta Zanmai should fear their competitor for Japanese Curry Rice. However, since this is a baked dish, it gets kind of sticky and disgusting if left to cool. Must be eaten when it's hot!

Next up, Miam Miam Spaghetti!

It's one of the "all time favourite" according to the menu. It is definitely another yummy dish! My taste bud was so excessively pampered I can't even use words to describe its awesomeness. The spaghetti was perfectly mixed as well. The French butter, Frankfurters and tomatoes are tossed with their secret broth and shoyu (read: Japanese soy sauce). Thought of replicating the flavor since the ingredients looked simple enough. There's always this secret broth...... I tried figuring out what is it but I simply can't. Need some taste expert here!

Last, but not least, Famous French Toast!

On the menu it says don't doubt just order. My advice? LISTEN TO THE MENU! When it came, I literally paused my chow down on the main dishes and had two pieces of this. It's so rich with eggs! The whipped cream and maple syrup just made it sweeter, but in my opinion, the toast is perfect even without the whipped cream and maple syrup. If you were to go there, just order this. While you're at it, order two. Don't need to order a main course as this is actually pretty filling for a dessert! The two mains I ordered were definitely already really good, but they still pale in comparison to this French toast.

No doubt Miam Miam serves high quality food, but the high quality comes with a high price tag.

Three dishes plus a can of coke and the bill came to RM 88.40. Yes the food is very delicious but it is still over-over-priced. Like the Riz Au Curry, actually only used basic, cheap raw ingredients, but is priced at RM 27. The reasonable price range for me would be around RM 15 - 17.

The CAN OF COKE costs RM 5.80 BEFORE service charge and tax. ONE CAN OF COKE. The coke probably came from Aeon; a short 5 mins walk away!

I don't have a picture of the offending coke can in question so here's a picture of a 1.5 litre bottle of coke I have at home. Which by the way, cost about RM 3.

The high price is definitely stopping me from a second visit.

I must give credits to their speedy service and politeness though! They stationed enough staffs so that you get attended almost immediately AND they serve you with a smile. Not rude at all! The service level make the overall dining experience to be above expectations!

Overall, Miam Miam is a fantastic restaurant and I will return there someday when I have money to spare!

That's all for now!

See ya~

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Premiere Screening of Mr Peabody & Sherman

Hello hello~

This is going to be a quick post because I have class later and guess who is completely not prepared for it?

So yesterday I scored myself a pair of tickets for Churpremiere of Mr Peabody & Sherman. Not only that, my tickets were VIP tickets from tweeting a short review of 300: Rise of an Empire. Speaking of lucky! 

Announcement by Churp Churp and I nearly screamed out of joy in class!

The perks of being a Churpremiere VIP is that the best seats in the cinema is reserved for you! I can totally get used to being a ChurpremiereVIP! Thanks Churp Churp for the awesome movie experience.

Aw man. No special VIP tickets?

There's actually a measuring ruler on the right but now it looks like Mr Peabody is judging my knees.

Eye level seats! Best in the cinema!

The movie experience was great but it is slightly ruined by the sub-par movie. I only give the movie a rating of ★★★★★★ (6/10). The movie to me was just an alright show, with a few jokes and puns here and there. The jokes are good on their own but the storyline was quite plain and boring.

The story is about Mr Peabody (WHICH IS A DOG! I TOTALLY DID NOT KNOW THAT), who is highly intelligent and won Nobel prizeS and is an industry leader. FYI he also invented Zumba! Sherman is his adopted human son.

"If a boy can adopt a dog, I don't see why a dog cannot adopt a boy."

Mr Peabody has a time machine called the WABAC, which he uses to bring Sherman back in time for history lessons. 

I honestly thought Mr Peabody was the boy and Sherman was the dog. Oops

Sherman was overly protected by Mr Peabody and on his first day at school, got into trouble with this girl, Penny. In the process of settling the dispute, Penny and Sherman somehow got into trouble with the WABAC and it's up to Mr Peabody's to rescue both of them.

Mr Peabody in action! Saving those two!

The movie mainly talks about the process of the rescue mission. Unfortunately, the story wasn't very well planned out and the plot seems to be so predictable. I dislike how they're travelling back in time and suddenly Crisis #1 happens, gets solved and Crisis #2 pops out. The lack of linkage between each crisis made the storyline seem dull to me. Perhaps I went in the cinema with too high of an expectation, so I was quite disappointed.

However, each "back to history" moment on its own is pretty good. I liked the moments where they meet a weird Da Vinci and a bunch of manly but silly Greeks fighting the Trojan War best. It's like the whole history was cartoon-ified and became really funny and interesting. Even though the storyline was not great, it does give you some good laughs! I was laughing throughout most of the hour and a half. A very good stress relieving movie.

Marie Antoinette, Cakes and the French Revolution!

The movie's main selling point is probably the whole father-son love thing because throughout the movie, Mr Peabody tried his very best to save his son, even if it means sacrificing himself. He wants Sherman to be knowledgeable and he definitely loves Sherman a lot! He even has to put up with Sherman's rebellious attitude. Sherman is growing up after all. He would like to spread his wings. But I feel so annoyed that he keeps doing things impulsively and cause more trouble to Mr Peabody. I feel tired just watching Mr Peabody rack his brain again and again just to bail Sherman out. And don't get me started about Penny! She's mean, likes to show off and is a SUPER MEGA OVER THE MOON AND BACK BRAT! I would say she deserved all the mishaps that happened to her.

The blonde girl on the right is Penny. I don't like her.

Overall, I would say I won't mind watching it on HBO, but to buy a movie ticket and watch in the cinema, I would definitely choose 300 over this. And even when I'm actually a huge fan of animated movies like Frozen, Wreck-it-Ralph, Cloudy with A Chance of Meatballs and a lot more; this movie did not make me scream in excitement. Don't get me wrong, it's not all that bad. But not that good either. It's just not memorable.

Alright~ That's all for today!


Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Story Behind Flappy Bird

Tap tap tap... Taptaptaptaptaptap...tap... Tap tap.. Tap..taptaptaptaptap..tap. BONG. Game Over.

If you know what was I describing there, that makes you a hardcore Flappy Bird player!

Yeah, I'm going to get my share of posting about that famous game. It's actually quite crazy how a game that just requires a simple thumb motion to play could make CNN. We already have Angry Birds doing that before. Maybe it's all about the birds! Note for future game creators out there, change your game character to a bird! Preferably colourful ones with flight issues.

Behind all these drama from fake brother homicide news to the creator removing the game due to the craziness among players, Flappy Bird has ceased to be just a game. It has become a global phenomenon. Of course, since it has been taken down, it is now a part of history.

But I am still curious. Behind the simple game of a bird flying through pipes. Could there be a story behind it? Perhaps it is just a simple game development by the creator but hey I'm a woman! My job is to over-think stuff.

So this is the story behind that my imagination made up. So what does Flappy Bird have to do with a vary famous plumber? A very very famous Italian plumber?!

Once upon a time, there were three birds. They were siblings and every day they fly around trees and across the lake just to chat with the beautiful Canary on the other side. 

One day, Mama Bird said, "You three useless boys! Look at the ah boy two trees away! He's already soaring high above the sky, able to feed himself and even take care of his old birds! What about you three? Wasting away your days, wasting all my hard work bringing you up and most of all! Wasting my worms! That's it, I've had enough with you three! Your father and I are leaving!"

The 3 birds cry out in protest, "No Mama, no please don't leave! We don't know how to find food, or make nests, or even take care of ourselves."

But Mama Bird stood firm. She has given love and more love to her three brightly coloured sons. And look at how they turned out? She always wanted a daughter, like the Canary. But as luck would have it, all her three eggs hatched into boys. What else can she do now? Her only option is to leave this nest with Papa Bird. Perhaps mate again next season and hopefully the next batch will be an all girl trio.

Without delay, Mama Bird kicked the nest to the ground, piggy backed her wounded husband and started on her journey. She said, "So long, boys. Come find me when you boys have turned into men."

The three brothers were devastated. They didn't know what to do. Never in their life have they fended for themselves.

"So what should we do?"

"We could get a job!"

"As what? Woodpecker said we have zero talent! Peacock said our tail feathers are hideous! Even the ducks laugh at us because we can't swim! Who's gonna hire us?!"

"I heard that big shot Mr. Hedgehog Sonic is looking for fast running apprentices! Road Runner just sent in his application the other day."

"But we can't run at all! What else can we do?!"

"We just have to find something. Anything is better than sitting here doing nothing! I heard birds that stayed at the same spot get roasted."

"No no, it's birds that stay at the same spot are ready to settle down. You know, get married and stuff."

"That doesn't sound right. It's actually.."

And the debate continued all the way to the city.

They were ambitious at first. They went straight to Rovio; the company behind the super popular Angry Birds franchise. They wanted to become new characters in the upcoming Angry Birds 3. But of course, they were rejected. The game creators said that they were not compatible because Angry Birds is now in HD! The three brothers simply aren't edgy enough to be in the game.

Little naïve boys who still think that they are still worth a lot, even though they got rejected by almost all the game companies in the city. They had one success though. Doodle jump wanted to hire them, but they rejected the offer. "Who wants to work for a third-rate game made from doodles?!"

Hungry and cold. Wandering around the city. It's been a full week since they first arrived. And still nothing. In hindsight, they should have taken up Doodle Jump's offer. At least they would have gotten some food in their stomachs by now.

They glared at the "Full Range Worm Extermination Week" poster that meant that there isn't a single worm left. They looked up at the light blue coloured sky and thought they saw Mana Bird's silhouette flying towards them. But alas, that is not possible. Mana Bird always keeps to her word. At that exact moment, the sweet smell of mushroom cakes wafted into their nostrils, making their stomachs growl.

They followed the smell of heaven, thinking that an angel descended to save them from the brink of death. Silly oh them. There no way heaven would sound like a baby dinosaur! It's just Mario's Party!.They are celebrating Mario's five millionth successful save of Princess Peach from Bowser!

"Ngaaaaaaahhh!" Wario jumped up in shock when he noticed three brightly coloured birds gobbling down their mushroom cakes! Those cakes weren't meant for eating. They were simply made as part of the ceremony.

Yoshi was the first to react. He quickly grabbed two of the birds in each hand and sat on the third. He asked, "Who are you and what is your purpose here?"

Peach being Peach was being paranoid. She kept saying that the three birds are an advanced form of virus sent by Bowser to kidnap her again!

Finally, Mario came up to them, lead pipe in hand. "Answer the question. Before I lose my patience and give you a taste of my lead pipe."

Normal people would have been terrified. But not these three. They were frozen with awe. They saw Mama Bird in Mario. They've found a replacement!

The three birds all began telling their story at the same time, so it was pretty difficult to hear exactly what they were saying. Mario quickly stopped them and made them speak one at a time.

After two hours and more mushroom cake, the three birds finally finished their story. Then, they begged Mario to take them as apprentices. "Oh please, oh please, oh please, please let us stay! We want to learn to be like you. So awesome. So cool. Just like you. We will do anything you want. Anything. Please just let us stay."

Well, generally Mario is a nice guy, but hey, there's a reason why there hasn't been a Mario Junior. And these three birds are just about to find out exactly why..

Mario quickly led them to an obstacle course he made from old pipes. The course is set just outside of the city. To be accepted as Mario's apprentice, they have to fly through 999 pipes without hitting a single one.

Driven by the want to prove Mama Bird wrong and to be accepted as Mario's apprentice, the three brothers never gave up. No matter how many times they hit a pipe and fall, no matter how pathetically low their scores were, they never gave up! They kept practising from the wee hours of the morning, all the way till nightfall. They just get by on minimum sleep, resulting in their eyeballs jutting out.

And so the three birds kept flapping their little wings, vowing to never stop until they become..
Mario's Apprentice.

Alright, I feel that I'm going a little too far with my imagination. So I better stop here. A little something for you to think about when you play the game.

Bye now~

P.S.: My phone still has Flappy Bird installed. Come buy my phone for RM2.5k! Or more! Teehee~

Saturday, March 8, 2014

ANNOUNCEMENT: Blog Slowing Down

Hi pillow talkers~

My blog started on 21st November 2013.

I actually didn't have a very glamorous reason why I started blogging. However, I genuinely believe that there are bloggers out there that started blogging because they need a place to voice out what they had in mind. Be it a short story or simply a place to rant about life.

I was once very judgemental about blogging. Because I've encountered many that tried to fish for compliments through their blog like:

 "Oh my~ here's a party I went to and you're not invited."

And I've even met bloggers who said things like:

 "HOW DID YOU FIND MY BLOG? You stalker!"

First off, your blog posts and Facebook shares are basically PUBLIC information. Stop being so obnoxious and think that other people are so interested in you. If you didn't want others to read your blog, then make it private and don't share the link on Facebook. Or better yet, don't write a blog; go buy a diary with a lock and put it in your own safe deposit box. So yes, the concept of blogging to me was totally twisted due to some obnoxious, narcissistic bloggers.

But life is always full of surprises. It's constantly proving you wrong! Life randomly decided that I would clear up my misunderstandings about bloggers and fate brought me some genuine blogger friends. They have shown me how blogging can be a way to share thoughts and make it like our own memoir. Plus I'm often awed at all the benefits / exposure they get through blogging. One way or another, I decided to blog for ONE SIMPLE but PECULIAR reason..


Not now anyways. Please do not hate me for all the suspense! It's actually rather embarrassing. Maybe when my blog is way more established.  

Before I started blogging, I asked around to see if blogging is a good idea for me. I believe I've bugged Elie for quite a while to get her opinion. She always gives me honest opinions so I do like to ask her for whatever nonsense. One important thing she told me was that "Blogging is a commitment. Are you sure you can commit?"

My thoughts at that moment was mostly snobby. Like if I can handle 4 assignments due on the same week, what is blogging? It's just taking pictures and writing you thoughts down. Oh boy I've never been so wrong in my life. 

Once I started blogging, all the headaches just came along with it. When you eat you think about the blog. When you're watching movie you're basically evaluating it like a movie critic. Keeping check with Nuffnang and Churp Churp. Writing and rewriting posts to up the quality. Constantly needing to advertise.  

It is enjoyable and stressful at the same time. Like I do enjoy fantasizing how awesome it would be if my blog is acknowledged. That feeling when someone says good job or when my younger cousins actually enjoy reading my blog. All those made my head balloon up and I instantly became the happiest person alive. For a while now, my thoughts before I head to bed is all about PILLOW TALK TILL DAWN. 

So yeah~ I can say any bloggers who cares about their blog are just exhausted mentally from trying to get every post perfect and reader-friendly. It's extremely time consuming and it's definitely not as easy as I thought it was.

For instance, I've spent about A WHOLE SOLID MONTH to complete my Nivea post and believe me, I still feel that it is very far from perfect. I hesitated for so long before posting it out. I feel bad now when I doubted Xiaxue when she says blogging is very time consuming and she simply don't have the time to sit in front of her computer to blog. Even I, a newbie blogger could take so long for a post, I can't imagine how long she spent for all her lengthy posts and all are so interesting at that. 

I think I have emphasised enough how hard blogging is and... as of March 2014, I would not be able to dedicate all my time to blogging anymore because my uni is starting!

Specially made for those speed readers who look at pictures only
(like yours truly)

Most of my extra time would go towards studying or working on assignments. So from March onwards, I will post a maximum of ONE POST PER WEEK. There might be a chance of hiatus because of assignments and mid-term exams. Of course, I will try to avoid it but studies will and always be my number one priority.

I started my blog in the summer and now summer is coming to an end. My life is no longer a blank colouring book because now I have a courage to explore and share it with the world.

Till next time~


Thursday, March 6, 2014

Premiere Screening of 300: Rise of an Empire

Hello hello~

Currently blogging in uni's computer lab! It's also 8am. So when I look out the window, I can still see the rising sun. It feels like my eyeballs are going to get burned from the bright rays. Perhaps it's because I slept late yesterday after watching 300: Rise of an Empire (Henceforth referred to as 300: Rise). It's a super EPIC movie! I was up blabbering about it on Twitter instead of sleeping. In hindsight, it was a horrible idea to sleep so late when I needed to wake up early. BUT I CANNOT NOT TALK ABOUT THE MOVIE. So here I am now blogging.. as a zombie.

Anyways, on to movie review! I was so elated when I received the invitation email to Churp Churp's Churpremiere of 300: Rise of an Empire, because I usually get them from Nuffnang.

The climax printed on the tickets!

Now, I have actually not watched the first movie; 300. I only knew of 300 from the memes on 9gag. I leant of the popular tag line "THIS IS SPARTAAAAAA!".  So my only expectation of 300: Rise is of men going to war. Actually, scratch that. I was expecting PERFECTLY BUILT, HOT, HALF-NAKED MEN going to war. And to my surprise, 300: Rise was really really epic. Epic is the only word that I can think of that will somewhat justify the movie. I had to rate the movie a ★★★★★★★★☆ (9/10)!

See.. half naked men!

Basically, due to some reasons (watch the movie to find out), the Persians are seeking revenge from the Greeks. So this movie is about how the Greeks, lead by their General Themistokles, fight for their land and freedom. 

80% of the war is set on sea but lucky for me, there wasn't any strong camera shaking moments. I almost got seasick from watching Life of Pi please.

While the Greek army is lead by Themistokles, the Persian army is lead by the beautiful but deadly, Artemisia. I absolutely loved her in 300: Rise! She definitely played a pivotal role. However, I shall save the details under the spoiler alerts!

I also can't forget about Artemisia's king, the God King, Xerxes. He only played a minor role in this movie but he still left a big impression on me. The impression he left me was that he's completely.. hairless. Even his eyebrows are drawn on. But with what? Ancient Persia has eyebrow pencil?! Maybe he used charcoal..

Waterpoof eyebrow pencil at that.

I could tell that the another major selling point of movie is the special effects. Churp Churp is awesome enough to get us 3D preview passes so I got to experience the 3D special effects and get awed by it. The actors and cameras' movement are angled such to enhance the 3D effect. For instance, when Xerxes swings his axe, he swings it towards the camera so that the axe would sort of pop out form the screen. The special effects are so good that I feel that the 2D version will not be able to draw out the full potential of the movie. So if you're watching the movie, PLEASE WATCH in 3D!

One of the scenes with the amazing 3D effect.

And now for..

Since this is a war movie and it is rated 18+, it is expected that blood is everywhere and limbs will be flying across the screen. But the blood is a little fake. Like get a little cut and the blood is squirting out like water! But I still covered my eyes during the action scenes because there's extremely gruesome stuff like beheading, hands got chopped off, eyeballs flying out and BLOOD EVERYWHERE. This is especially true during Artemisia's action scenes because she is a cold blooded general and will not hesitate to chop her subordinate's head off on a whim. This doesn't stop me from liking her though! She made the other male Persian generals look like little kindergarten children. Plus she had a really sad back story. I feel sympathetic towards her. She is the bad guy you love to hate. She's really good with wars on sea AND she has a great sense of style! And for the guys, she's extremely sexy! 

Wore more covered up clothing than anyone else in the movie. Sexiest still!

Okay continuing from my previous point, yes the movie got some special effects but miraculously the actor and actresses have some additional special effect up on their sleeves. To summarize it, I drew a simple picture with paint to explain my point.

That blue colour diamond shaped thing is a blood-proof force field that shielded the main characters from any blood splatter. It was so magical and intriguing to watch the Aegean sea dyed red with blood but yet Themistokles and Artmemisia were only stained with mud. It's like for a rather accurate and realistic movie, they decided to keep their actors and actresses clean. Perhaps to save on laundry..

Also, I'm quite sad that Gerard Butler only had one scene where he was beheaded. This time, Sparta is more like the supporting role to Themistokles and his Athenian farmer army. But apparently 300: Rise was supposed to be the side story to the first 300 movie, so because Gerard Butler's character died in that movie, it is logical that he didn't get much appearance.

Other than that, 300: Rise sends out a strong patriotic message. The Greek fought for democratic freedom and now the Persians are trying to take it away. To make farmers and poets that make up the majority of the population is extremely difficult. However, due to Themistokles' encouragement and strong fighting spirit, he managed to turn these farmers and poets into warriors rivalling that of Sparta.

"Let it be shown that we choose to die on our feet rather than live on our knees"

And do look out for the intimidating Persian navy. They made the Greeks' ragtag group of ships look like children's toys. Imagine Themistokles managed to give the Persians a tough fight with such a weak weapon. The tricks and strategies he used is definitely genius level. And I shall warn the ladies.. His looks, abs and leadership will make you go ooh la la at the end of the movie. Like how I did (hehe).

Delusional blogger

Anyways, although I didn't watch the first 300 movie, I did hear about the nude scenes from it. There is also a short scene involving Artemisia but unfortunately it was cut. So if that's what you're going for then don't bother. But I doubt anyone is that shallow to watch 300: Rise just for one sexy time scene right?

Overall, 300: Rise is a great movie and I think this will become a must watch movie for 2014!

And here's a BIGGER SPOILER from his clip I found from YouTube. Disregard the obscene pause screen k?

And here's an interesting photo of us mimicking the poster!

Alright, that's all for my review!

Bye bye for now~

Saturday, March 1, 2014

My 1st time with NIVEA’s rinse off body lotion

A brand that's been by my side since young. As a little kid, I was always awed by my mother's beauty products, each with its own distinct shape and size. From perfume to her little eye shadow kit, everything just fascinates this five year old girl. I wanted to try them all! Of course, when I told my mother, she would say,

No, you are much too young to be using beauty products. Wait a little till you're older okay?

But there's always one bottle. It's not particularly shiny or made from fancy glass. And unlike the other products, I was allowed to use this one because my mother says it's important to keep your skin fair and smooth. Especially when coming back from school, under the harsh afternoon sun. That bottle is a bottle of Nivea Whitening Lotion.

This bottle has been by my mother's bedside for as long as I can remember. She uses it every night and I always relate the Nivea lotion smell to my mother. So how can I not be familiar with Nivea? It's everywhere in my house!

Not only it's next to my mother's bed, it's also in the bathroom AND even my room!

Nivea all over the house!

And now you can even get it in the shower!

You just read that in Minion's voice in your head didn't you? ;)

Introducing the new Nivea In-Shower Skin Conditioner. It's the first ever rinse off body lotion!

There are two types of skin conditioner available for purchase. One is for the normal skin type while the other is for dry skin.

Actually when I first heard of the in-shower lotion, I was really sceptical because of a certain childhood incident. It started off as your typical family trip to Cameron Highlands. But we had forgotten to pack body shampoo, so we stopped by a sundry shop to pick one up on the way to the hotel. Once there, I was the first to shower. I distinctively remember panicking in the shower because the shampoo was sticky and would not rinse off my body. Naturally, I called out for my mother and she was wondering what was wrong with her child not knowing how to shower properly. Turns out, the bottle we bought was actually Nivea Whitening Lotion; to be applied after shower. No wonder it became all sticky and weird when I tried to rinse it off. Till this day, my family still jokes about this incident.

Well no reason to not give it a try right? And to my surprise, it's really really awesome! First of all, it's not sticky and hard to rinse off. It's like a transparent layer of massage oil that made my concrete-like skin all silky and moisturised. I even took advantage of the smooth texture of the skin conditioner and gave myself a little massage with it.

Apply some skin conditioner on skin after using shower gel

Spread it out all over 

Rinse off

Dry off and you're all ready to go

As displayed in the pictures above, Nivea's In-Shower Skin Conditioner is white in colour. But when applied to wet skin, it becomes transparent and does not foam at all. After that, just rinse it off and you're left with a baby-smooth skin! 

When I mentioned that it feels like massage oil I bet you think it'll be oily afterwards right? WRONG! It just leaves you with moist and smooth skin. Not oily, not sticky and smells really good. I feel like a well washed car with wax applied to it! And hey! The wax is essential to make the car all shiny and looking good right? For a woman, skin conditioner is what it takes for your skin to be smooth, moisturised and desirable.

Nivea's In-Shower Skin Conditioner is perfect for lazy people like me. We all know how important it is for a woman to use beauty products to beat the ageing monster, especially when our skin is exposed to UV rays everyday! But no one mentioned anything about laziness! For instance, the cold weather in Hong Kong totally ruined my skin and hair. My skin was like dry cracked concrete while my hair felt exactly like straw. I can always cut my hair but unfortunately I can't just replace my skin. So I spammed my current lotion in an attempt to keep my skin moisturised. But eventually I stopped applying because it's such a hassle to keep remembering to re-apply. 

With Nivea's new In-Shower Skin Conditioner, I just use it during my shower! I love to stay in the shower, so taking an additional step to apply the skin conditioner is not a problem for me. Plus it kept my skin moisturised for quite long, so I didn't have to keep re-applying it!

No peeping! 

A little advertisement that shows the awesome effect of the In-Shower Skin Conditioner
Pause at 0:26! Men of Science hehe

I watched the advertisement for Nivea's In-Shower Skin Conditioner and I wondered whether it really was true. Or did they fake the results because it seemed too good to be true! Of course, I could not exactly put a video clip of myself showering and all. It's not exactly a good sight. So here are two simple tests to see whether Nivea's In-Shower Skin Conditioner really is moisturising and not-sticky!

Scratch Test

I'm sure you're curious how long exactly can the skin conditioner lock moisture on to our skin. So I did an experiment. You know how when you scratch your skin there will be a visible white line? That white line is evidence of dry skin. So I used this scratch test to see how long can the moisture protect my skin!

Before shower. Noticeable white line. 

Unfortunately, my room lacked sufficient lighting for clearly capturing the white line. So I ended up scratching myself countless times and finally just decided to give up and edit it a little so the line is more visible. 
P.S.: it's a bad idea to meet your friends with red lines on your arm. I look like I was abused somehow. 

Instantly after shower, miraculously no more line

Still no line! Amazing!

Line only showed at 9:30pm! But still not very noticeable.
12:15am: After dinner and supper events, skin is back to before shower condition.
Time to shower again and renew the effect!

My verdict? It is seriously quite moisturizing! Lasted for about half a day before my skin turned all dry again. Imagine if I use it consistently, I bet no one can scratch any white lines on me anymore!

Sticky Test

What's the ultimate bonus point for the skin conditioner? IT'S NOT STICKY! I hate that sticky feeling after using lotion. Like, after I am all cleaned up from a shower, I go and apply a sticky layer to my skin. Totally destroying the fresh feeling after a shower. Plus like Angela in the video above, I needed to wait for the lotion to dry before putting on clothes. If you are rushing out of the house and have no time to wait for the lotion to completely dry, then you're definitely going to have a bad time. Anything you wear will stick to your skin. It's not a very comfortable feeling if you ask me. The new skin conditioner is not sticky at all! So you can get dressed immediately after showering and rush out of the house!

So here's another experiment to test the stickiness!

Left hand with Nivea's In-Shower Skin Conditioner
Right hand with my usual body lotion

Left hand cotton pad did not stick to my hand and fell into the sink
Right hand cotton pad stuck on

After rinsing the skin conditioner off, there is literally zero stickiness and I can get dressed immediately. Well after I dry myself off of course. Actually even when I put it on, it wasn't sticky at all so what more after rinsing off!

When my mother told me 一白遮三丑 (fair skin is everything), I added Nivea's Whitening Lotion to my everyday routine. With this new skin conditioner that I can just apply during shower, non-sticky, no waiting time and super effective; Nivea successfully changed my body care regime. Again. Now I can just use the skin conditioner, instead of getting myself emo thinking about life while waiting for my usual body lotion to dry.

Not greasy, not sticky, keep you moisturised AND easy to use. The rinse-off effect is perfect for busy people with no time to spare. So much moisture for only RM 16.90 and please you know where to find Nivea products. Quickly grab one now for immediate silky-soft skin and maybe you will impress that special someone with your radiating new skin!

That all I have to say about Nivea's In-Shower Skin Conditioner! Hope you enjoyed reading it.
