Sunday, April 19, 2015

Abort A Healthy Baby

Okay so today I am gonna blog about a rather controversial topic. But no matter which side you're on, I am sure you will end up agreeing that whatever happened was absolutely ridiculous. Like no human alive should ever face the same situation in whatever the circumstances. 
This is a story that was told by my sister. I consider her a reliable source wtf. Anyway, thankfully this incident did not happen to her but to a very close friend to her. She's like one of those sibling's friends that witness me growing up. From like being literally a kid who's running around without having two lumps of meat in front of her chest to a woman (still flat but yea know puberty ended) that I am today. She is present in my life for a very long time and when I heard that she was told to abort a healthy baby, I was furious. Question marks appear because you just wonder who in a sane mind would ask an excited mother to abort her healthy child?
Abortion: the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy.
Deliberately terminating human pregnancy. Heavy words huh? Consciously ending one's life being right or wrong has been debated for the longest time. Legal.. Illegal. There's 2 sides of a coin and I don't give a shit which side you're on cause this is not the main discussion here.  

So Ms A is 8 weeks into her pregnancy and this being her first child, like many other first parents, she was excited and overwhelmed. Stocking up with baby stuff and announcing the news to friends and family is a delightful moment for both the expecting parents and everyone who heard the news. I mean who wouldn't be. If you're meaning to start a new family of your own, being able to actually do so must be like striking the lottery right?! 

But pregnancy itself is a risk. Some would describe as sucking the life out of the woman. Like what Elizabeth Banks said in the movie "What to Expect When You're Expecting", PREGNANCY SUCKS! 

Nice movie by the way. Super funny

Anyway, pregnancy itself is a very difficult process and all mothers wish for a smooth and safe journey. If you're easily like grossed out and wanna keep a sacred image of what pregnancy is like then err.. you better just jump to the conclusion part lol.

When Ms A discovered random pink-ish spotting when she was in the loo, she was worried sick of what may potentially be a miscarriage. Well can't blame her since miscarriage is like quite common. About 10-15% of pregnancy ends up in miscarriage wtf. There's many other reasons that may cause spotting during pregnancy but as an anxious first time parent, Ms A rushed to a nearby hospital to make sure the baby is 100% A-okay. 

She registered herself to see the gynaecologist from a nearby hospital. She didn't go to her usual clinic since it's quite far from where she was at that moment and it is an emergency. I mean if the pink-ish discharge was an early symptom she can at least prevent it from going downhill right?

I wasn't too sure about the exact details during the visit, but I was told that she went for a vaginal scaning to make sure the baby is alright. Or just to find out what is causing the discharge. She would rather be bedridden for 9 months than losing the baby.  

Yes, that was what she was told during the consultation. She was shocked. The reason given by the doctor is that the amniotic fluid is not supplying nutrients to the embryo and it is too small and wouldn't survive.  Therefore, she should abort it. She wasn't fed with much details. It was just almost a simple one liner and an insistent for her to abort the baby. 

Devastated.. She called my sister whom Ms A consider as  close friend to seek comfort and opinion. Not being overwhelmed by emotions, my sister advised her to seek for second opinion. After all, there's a chance she might bump into some skillful gynae that can reverse the situation.

Ms A composed herself and went for a second opinion. She only went for a General Practitioner of another hospital and did another vaginal scan. To her surprise, THE BABY IS ACTUALLY PERFECTLY FINE. THE SPOTTING WAS JUST A NORMAL OCCURRENCE DURING PREGNANCY. She was told that nothing is wrong and she is allowed to go home and resume pregnancy wtf. 

Of course she's still very sceptical since she got TWO VERY DIFFERENT OPINION. But one being a 'specialist' and one being a GP, she would still think the 'specialist's' opinion is more accurate I guess. We are all human right. Adding the word 'Professional' and 'Specialist' in front of the title makes us feel like woahhhh this fella must be good. 

So, she went and visit her usual gynae for a 3rd check up on an emergency basis. And let's guess what her usual gynae said!!
BOOM twice in a row she was told her baby is fine. Sounds legit now right? Her usual gynae is like super experienced. She is the one that my mother go to to get ME delivered. She's really like the pro in this field. Her reassurance means more than anything to Ms. A. She turned her world from the darkest apocalypse to the most sun shining day. And she is now still happily pregnant and still in a lot of fear no thanks to the said 'specialist'.

Honestly, I couldn't understand this. She is a doctor. Supposed to be saving lives. But why.. why did
she even suggested an abortion when it is not necessary? YES! By law, it is not considered a human yet because she was only 8 weeks pregnant. But he/she has a very high chance to be born, raised and might that person creating the time machine. So why is it okay for the doctor to say such irresponsible things? Don't they have like code of ethics or fiduciary duties?

If she really caused an abortion, she could be sued for damages for causing emotional distress!
Emotional distress is categorized according to the intent of the person or company responsible for inflicting harm.
There are two types of emotional distress. These include negligent infliction of emotional distress and intentional infliction of emotional distress.
Negligent infliction: The responsible party exhibited negligent behavior that caused distress.
Intentional infliction: The responsible party demonstrated outrageous behavior that caused distress.

Not sure about murder charges. Actually I am not even sure can Ms A sue for emotional distress. Not a law student so yea if you wanna sue someone and used me as a reference then not my problem yea hahah *disclaimer*

Anyway, due to restrictions of law, I cannot disclose who is the doctor or which hospital was it but please.. A doctor can be crazy. Never take one doctor's words as good. Go for a second opinion or more. I genuinely wish no woman has fallen prey into such unethical doctor's behaviour and it MUST BE STOPPED. Share it around with woman around you so they are aware of this crazy nut job embryo killing profit driven perhaps doctor.

Okay..... I guess this is all I will share for now! Blog again next week! Buh bye~

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