Monday, May 30, 2016

Pandora Necklace: An Anniversary Gift

Time flies.
To me that is really true. Time waits for no man. The sun will set when it’s time and will rise again when it’s supposed to. Amazingly, I’ve been with my new job for 3 months now and I am still trying my very best to adapt to it. Hence, my blog is drier than the sand from the Sahara wtf!

Back to the context of time...
It’s been a year since I posted about the surprise flowers I received for last’s year’s anniversary! 
I’m just a few days away from our 6th years anniversary and I honestly thought that he wouldn’t put much thought into it because he is so unbelievably busy and I didn’t have anything that I particularly wanted from him.

One day when we were casually walking around the mall, he asked me if I like anything from Pandora. I was very dense and didn’t put much thought into his question. Anyway, if you must know, I said:
You gotta hear me out! I didn’t like the bracelet only because I think the charms are gonna trap my hair in between and it’ll be PAINFUL! In real life, my hands can be hairier than man’s hands! I would wax it off but erm… There’s really enough items in my every day regime and I don’t think I wanna add another item to the list #lazywomanhenceugly 

His response to my answer was just a standard 'ok'! As usual, he wouldn’t say much. I think that’s why our conversations are always so short haha!

A few days passed and I FINALLY asked him if we have anything planned for our anniversary aside from Potter Potter which we won a pair of tickets from BabySumo and Nuffnang (woohoo thank you).
Here comes the 'romantic' part.
He BLUNTLY told me that he wanna bring me to Pandora to buy me something from there.

I was like oh now it makes so much sense! I mean why would you randomly ask me that question! Lol. Anyway, in his defense, he made the decision to bring me there to choose and buy instead of surprising me is because he is worried that I won’t like silver since most of my accessories are bronze in colour.

Observant? Nah! He bought me ALL my accessories so it’s very hard for him not to know! Lol

Yesterday (29 May 2016), he fulfilled his promise and brought me to Pandora. The thing about him is… Whenever it comes to choosing something for me, he’ll always pour in the extra effort.

While I was ogling over the Disney series *ahem it’s really pretty*, he was walking around the shop looking at each and every charm very seriously. Like STAREEEEE!

I might not explicitly express it then but the way he was looking for something special for me makes my heart melts a little. It was indeed a very sweet gesture. He didn’t bother asking me what I wanted cause he already knew what to get me.

See that serious face

By the way, in his own words, he was looking for something…
Pink and has a heart shape!
Extra emphasis on PINK wtf! Lol. 

He narrowed down to the few and decided on this one.

Literally pink and heart shape yo! 

Never doubt his taste in chossing accessories!

Made it into a necklace to replace my old bronze one. He actually noticed how my old one is all rusty while I still think it is perfectly fine because I didn’t pay any attention to it. I just put it on everyday like it’s a part of my ootd without noticing the rust *guilty*

Pair it with the ring he bought me

Thank you my love. Not for the price tag of the gift you bought me but for the crazy amount of effort you put in just to pick me a necklace that you deem perfect. It’s not like he’s the expert of choosing accessories but he did his very best for me… To make it meaningful.

It’s been 6 years since I dated this man. All these years… 
What kept us going?
It is how whenever it comes to me, he’ll really invest that extra ounce of effort…
That I have not seen him invest in anyone else!
6 years seem like a milestone to a lot of people. It is more than half a decade and I’m sure he is still as full of shit as he was 6 years ago. This 6 years didn’t feel like it’s been that long because every day, every minute and every second, I have him… right beside me (This is so damn cheesy I think I can open a pizza shop).

But... Let’s have many many more years together!! <3
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