Sunday, October 19, 2014

How To Answer A Very Important Call. After Nap Edition!

Hello hello!

If you're super awesome tips then I'm sorry cause I actually failed this miserably! hahahha

As many people have told me, sleep is extremely scarce once you get a job, so whenever I have time, I'll indulge fully in la la land~ Not la la as in the shell fish but like dreamland!

Honestly sleep has been a leisure to me since I've been so overwhelmed with... stuff. Can't actually pin point what I am so busy with but I just feel super occupied! Anyway, I really think important calls like form interviewer etc always happen when you're sleeping! Perhaps it's due to the time I pick to sleep/nap. 

The calls always come in around 10 - 11am or 5 - 6pm. Which is to me is THE GOLDEN TIME TO SLEEP!

I actually heard my phone vibrating several times, woke up and all I did was.... I shall not be redundant and just copy paste what I Dayre here...

Copy paste is tedious too.. Screenshot is same thing right? po-teh-to po-tah-to!
I think my laziness vibe is vibrating through the post like OMG!

Follow me on Dayre!

So much for pretending that I wasn't sleeping at all. Hahahah! But my "uh huh" sounded really convincing in my opinion!

I don't think I have the most professional phone call voice cause even when I'm wide awake, the person at the other side of the phone will think I am not.. Like laughing awkwardly or saying good morning TWICE! I actually have to say "I'm awake I'm awake" so that I don't sound so stupid! Gahhh! I must really work on my phone call voice.

Anyway, sorry I sounded a bit bimbo-ish in this post because I am super tired after a long day out! I just suddenly felt like blogging so I just scroll my Dayre to find the most random thing to say. It's a blogger's urge. Can't control that! It's currently about 6pm and if I wasn't blogging I'll probably be watching anime and dozing off to dreamland! It's THE GOLDEN TIME LA.

Okay enough gibberish for now!

Buzzing off....zzzz

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